< The Family Circus

The Family Circus/WMG

The Family Circus

Ida Know is a real ghost who possesses members of the family to get them to do worse things until someone dies.

She wants to have her own body, and so she makes the kids break plates and put each other in dangerous situations. Eventually, someone is going to die; then she will have a corpse to take over. She only goes after overtly Christian families in syndicated comics because she was originally summoned accidentally by St Peter when he denied Christ.

Billy is a crack-head, Dolly is a nymphomaniac, the mother is a junkie turned prostitute, the dad is a serial killer, and PJ has an unhealthy oral fixation. Don't even get me started on Grandma.

The comic is, accidentally or deliberately, a Brown Note.

Specifically, it causes susceptible individuals to become increasingly paranoid and take a darker view of reality. This explains both of the above entries.

The comic actually takes place in Fallout 3

And they are one of the people living in Andale. The small suburban town in the wasteland full of people deluded into thinking the war never happened, and are secretly incestuous cannibals. To explain why they do not appear in the game when you visit them, they are eaten.

    • Now I feel bad for killing the residents of Andale. They did what everyone in America has wanted to do but never had the balls to go through with it.

All of the "Parody" Comics shown here Are Canon

Bil Keane was in on it.

The comic will end with a Crowning Moment of Awesome strip doing a Take That at all the buttheads who ever made fun of them.

One day, the kids will get up and yell "We're still around! And we're not happy at all you people!" and attack Pearls Before Swine and Lio and all the comics that made fun of them.

  • Except that wouldn't be awesome... it'd be awesome if this crappy comic strip finally ended, and they're certainly not relevant anymore.
    • It'd be more awesome if you weren't complaining about something you don't like. Explain how most modern comics are any better or even relevant.
  • Unlikely, since Bil Keane found a lot of the parodies funny, and even put some on his site. He was also friends with Stephen Pastis (Pearls Before Swine.)

This series was discontinued when the father got some bad advice in a bar

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