< The Creepy Teen Years

The Creepy Teen Years/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Episode: "I Think I have a Problem" solves several other Plotlines in a single episode, much to everyone's confusion.
    • It's core plot was probably supposed to wrap some things up before Break Through The Dream. Of course, it was compiled from what was initially intended to be three or four different episodes. So it doesn't do that very well.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: So much. Especially FDW's antics. It's worth noting that the writers often seem unaware of there being such a thing.

Fenrir_Angerboda: There's a line?

    • although it turns out the Writers do have standards. A proposed idea to introduce a New Character was turned down because it was too creepy, and too complicated.
    • NothingNow, as editor, has expressed the stance that if it isn't there to be funny, and it's otherwise disturbing or too squicky, he won't okay it.
  • Depending on the Writer: Character personalities swing around wildly. the only real Constant is Emperor Norton, KRALL and Patton.
    • Even then, NothingNow can't really get Patton right. Although that might be because Patton hasn't had his coffee yet.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Catgirl has become rather popular with some readers.
    • After one Episode nonetheless.
    • infact, all of the Genderbent Characters have proven to be somewhat popular.
  • Expy: the SOF Brigade
  • Freud Was Right: Ynnead, Catboy, Nothingnow and Lord_Roem take increasingly bigger guns out of GeorgePatton's armory.
    • KRALL's own Handgun was described as "Phallic".
  • Growing the Beard: Arguably Season 2. More Insane than Season 1. More Random. and completely Awesome.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Season 1 had an episode called "THE REASON WE SHOULDN'T LET FENRIR WRITE MORE EPISODES." Guess who's written Most of the Second Season, so far?
    • And most of the Third Season too.
    • Nothingnow and Kome fight by a pool. The writers later learned Kome cant swim. At all.
  • My Real Daddy: Possibly Nothingnow and Fenrir_Angerboda. Nothingnow took over the series, while Fenrir_Angeroda's first few stories set the tone for the second season.
  • Nightmare Fuel: "The Beast and the the Blue" Caused several readers to dream of Giant Salamanders.
    • THE DISASSOCIATION OF OTHYRSYDE also scared a few readers.
    • Outside of the story, after Learning several Readers had Dreams about the Series, Fenrir_Angerboda was scared.
  • Squick: Northstar and the Charmander.
    • A throwaway line has Fenrir_Angerboda mentioning the following

Fenrir_Angerboda:Oh….what a Lovely Girl..She’s undead and missing an arm and’s got her guts hanging out….Gimme some sugar baby.

Fenrir_Angerboda: as Salvador Dali said, "I am Drugs".

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