< The Closer

The Closer/YMMV

  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: So gloriously averted. Fritz and Brenda's relationship is begins with liking each other and enjoying each others' company. It's a shocking concept for television, no? (The Les Yay between Raydor and Brenda falls squarely into this trope, on the other hand, but the likelihood of that particular couple becoming canon is approximately zero.)
  • Tear Jerker: "Maternal Instincts."
  • Les Yay: Is it Les Yay if it's one openly lesbian character flirting with one openly straight character?
    • Milder example, but now that they've (reluctantly) admitted admiration for each other, Brenda and Captain Raydor have been having moments. Especially in "Last Woman Standing", with Raydor giving Brenda pep talks and fashion hints (It Makes Sense in Context). This only gets turned Up to Eleven during the seventh season, as Brenda and Raydor go from Worthy Opponents to unlikely but extremely effective allies - and, possibly, even friends. Suffice it to say the 2011 summer finale "Fresh Pursuit" left Brenda/Sharon fans hoarse from the Squee.

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