< The Closer

The Closer/WMG

Gabriel will die in season 7.

It's been established that not everyone will survive to the end of the series. Sanchez is the show's go-to punching bag and it would be excessive to kill him off, Flynn survived a stabbing in season 6, Provenza and Tao are in the dangerous situations slightly less often. This season will shake up the entire chain of command (even more after Chief Delk had a stroke), and Gabriel has been built up as Brenda's successor-- yet it's Captain Raydor who's getting a spin-off.

  • Given that he might possibly have leaked something about the Baylor case he might just be fired. Or Redemption Equals Death
  • He's not returning in the spin-off. Shit, this is going to get ugly.

Shall we open the guessing on the Mole source of the leak?

It's hard to believe that any of our lovely main characters could leak information to the enemy. Let's start guessing who's gonna get derailed! Of course, there are tons of reasons why our True Companions would never sell each other out, but here are the basic reasons why we don't think each person could do it . . .

  • Too frickin' loyal: Gabriel's devoted to his chief though the betrayal of her "favorite" would provide maximum angst, he's not returning in the spin-off, and the above WMG presents a likely case, and Sanchez has his whole "street justice, no ratting" code. Fritz goes without saying, not to mention Pope. Even if Raydor was willing to sell out Brenda, she's too devoted to her job--on top of which, she's discussed the leak in private with Goldman, which would be pointless if she were the leak.
  • Don't know enough: Buzz and Morales find out things too slowly/not at all to be an effective Mole.
  • Provenza and Flynn: Loyal to the badge, abide by the thin blue line . . . pick your euphemism, these two are cops through and through.
  • Tao: C'mon, Tao? Levelheaded, friendly nice guy? No way.
  • Taylor: Loves his job too much to pull something like this.
  • In short, there's really no way this Mole arc is going to end well . . .

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