The Blockbuster Buster

"In a World of uncertainty, when movie theaters are plagued with remakes and sequels. In a world where big budget movies can still suck. In this world, we have The Blockbuster Buster."

Eric "ERod" Rodriguez hosts a Video Review Show which involves him as a renegade film critic "busting" bad big budget Hollywood films, including disappointing entries into popular film franchises. He has his own site here, a YouTube channel, a channel. He used to contribute to Space Monkey Mafia Studios, but is currently featured on That Guy With The Glasses.

Character traits have been moved to the Characters Page.

Tropes used in The Blockbuster Buster include:

"Welcome fanboys and fangirls, I'm ERod and I'm the Blockbuster Buster"
"Action Sequence!"
"WTF Mo, Fo!!"
"There's a metaphor somewhere here"
"One busted and thousands more to go. I'm ERod and I'm the Blockbuster Buster"

ERod: "Aw, Jayma. I can't stay mad at you. You're so cute! You look like a Precious Moments doll had sex with Hello Kitty"
ERod: "Aww, Jayma. I wouldn't be able to say No to you either. You're so cute! You're like a cross between a CareBear, Baby Plucky and a Pupple"

ERod: "Nerdlinger?"
Nerdlinger: "I really don't want to talk about this movie, 'cause it got all these scary monsters in it."
ERod: "Eustace Xavier Aloysius Nerdlinger the III, sit your ass down!"

  • Gender Bender: Used for the Elektra review, because ERod needed to explain female perspective, so he became SHERod. He even remarked "she" was gorgeous. Lampshaded when her producer reveals to the viewer she was playing him, so ERod still owed another female lead review.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: Sometimes he drops some words. More frequently by El L0ver.
    • His Top 10 Hispanic Heroes list gives us a full conversation between him and Nerdlinger in spanish.
  • Hammerspace: Averted, as ERod does not get his weapons out of nowhere, there always is a sequence where he gets his weapons ready. It is also presumed that the Blockbuster Buster never leaves the house without Lucille (his hammer).
    • Played Straight in the Astro Boy review where is revealed that he had a "Uni-beam thing" on the chest.
  • Heroic BSOD: Apparently Sucker Punch was too much for ERod to handle, so El L0ver had to take over while ERod mumbled all his references after being catatonic. The only way to wake him again was to press his Berserk Button to make him bust the movie.
  • Ironic Nickname: Every time a movie is so bad or the characters are forgettable.
    • The most remarkable example is for the Twilight Saga, Erod was so upset with the characters' names that he decided to nickname everyone: Bella Swan = Deadpan Mc-Gee, Edward = Captain Whiny-Pants, Jacob = Sharkboy, Vampires = Sparkling Pricks, etc.
    • In Catwoman, she apparently is "S&M Woman".
  • I Call It Vera: His hammer is named Lucille.
  • Lock and Load Montage: Occurs in the intro. Also anti-vampire gear for his Twilight and Van Helsing reviews and anti-zombie equipment for Resident Evil Afterlife.
  • Power Trio: ERod's action figures make The Trinity of Awesomeness (Hellboy, Buffy and Ash).
  • Running Gag:
    • Responding "What?" when referencing Spiky hair.
    • Laughing hard everytime Dakota Fanning appears in a movie (New Moon, Eclipse and Push).
    • If a movie features a really bad actor, ERod will make a phone call in the middle of the review and apologize with the previous "worst actor this far" and giving the title to the current target.
    • "Stan Lee Cameo~!"
    • In response to fart jokes.

The Doctor: Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?

ERod: Hey, If the Twitards can go crazy over these two lame assholes, then there's no reason why I can't go crazy over someone who is actually cool.

"Mira, hijo de tu madre..."

    • Also the opening sequence of Chucky's sperm traveling through Tiffany's uterus is so gross that ERod coudn't even reference Look Who's Talking.
    • ERod had to make 3 breakdown pauses in his balcony (muted by the glass door) when he had to watch Chucky masturbating, holding a cup of his own semen and Tiffany impregnating Jennifer Tilly.
  • Tempting Fate: At the end of his videos ERod often says that there's no movie worse than the one that he reviewed, only for such a movie to appear before him. Lampshaded at one point where he says "I have got to stop saying stuff like that."
  • Weapon of Choice: Lucille the hammer, but he also has a couple of stakes, a gun, a knife and even a truck was used on one occasion. Also featuring a sledgehammer, a chainsaw and a sword.
  • Wild Mass Guessing: In-universe example in the Herbie review, where ERod posits the theory that Herbie's mind is actually Adolf Hitler, doing good deeds to make up for his sins. That is going to take a long time.
  • You Are Not Alone: On the arc of Resident Evil reviews each of the characters helps him do the reviews while he was imprisoned, and at the end they help him fight Evil-E .
    • He also gets encouragement from Mario, Batman, the Trinity of Awesomeness and his producer.
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