Elektra (film)

Elektra with her signature outfit and weapons.
"Her name was Elektra. She was a warrior. She was also dead. Well, nobody's perfect. Only a warrior can come back from death and even then the second life is never quite like the first."—Stick, Trailer narration
A 2005 Spin-Off of the Daredevil film starring Jennifer Garner as Elektra, a contracted assassin who is reluctant to carry out a hit on Mark and Abby Miller. In helping them escape, Elektra learns that Mark and Abby are not as normal as they appear to be. As she faces off against The Hand, an organization that seeks to capture Abby because she is the sacred "Treasure," Elektra soon learns that Kirigi, a member of The Hand, was sent to kill her mother when Elektra was only a child.
Tropes used in Elektra (film) include:
- Action Girl: Elektra and to a lesser extent Abby.
- Animal Eye Spy: Tattoo can use his animals to spy on Elektra and gang.
- Animated Tattoo: Tattoo.
- Astral Projection: Elektra uses this to communicate a meeting with Kirigi.
- Back From the Dead: Stick brings Elektra back and then Elektra brings Abby back.
- Balance Between Good and Evil: The whole movie hangs on which side the "Treasure" will take and tip the balance in favor of one or the other.
- Breakout Character: Elektra was originally a love interest in Daredevil in both the comic and the movie--She later had several spin-off comics and this spin-off movie.
- Contract on the Hitman: The Hand basically puts one on Elektra after her failed attempt.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Roshi. Giving orders from a boardroom. It comes across that the Hand is The Mafia or Yakuza and not just an evil organization
- Deleted Scene: A lot of the deleted scenes on the Director's Cut reveal Elektra's backstory from her childhood.
- EBay: Abby states she bought her bracelet on eBay which turns out out to be a Chekhov's Gun which she uses later as her main weapon.
- Fan Service: Elektra wears skintight red leather for most of the movie.
- The Elektra and Typhoid kiss.
- Five-Bad Band: The Hand
- Big Bad: Roshi or his Son Kirigi
- The Dragon: Kirigi
- The Brute: Stone
- Evil Genius: Tattoo
- Dark Chick: Typhoid
- Sixth Ranger / Mook: Kinkau
- Flat Character: Stone, Tattoo, and Kinkou have this bad. Typhoid has a couple of lines that catapult her into a two-dimensional character. Also, despite being the main villain, Kirigi could easily be considered a two-dimensional character.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Elektra and Typhoid's "kiss"
- The Handler: McCabe is the go-between Elektra and the people who want to hire her.
- Handicapped Badass: Stick
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Most of the Hand's Ninjas would fall under this.
- Hitman with a Heart: Elektra after she fails to make a kill because she cares for the marks
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Elektra
- Improbable Aiming Skills:
- Implausible Fencing Powers:
- Inadequate Inheritor: Kirigi can be seen as this as the inheritor of control of the Hand from his father, Roshi.
- In Love with the Mark: Elektra finds herself caring about her marks that she was sent to kill.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Kirigi's weapon but it might be a case of Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana.
- Kiss of Death: Typhoid has a literal kiss of Death.
- Lady in Red: Elektra
- Mooks: The Hand's Ninjas
- Master Apprentice Chain: Stick is Elektra's master then briefly Elektra is Abby's master.
- Missing Mom: Elektra and Abby both have mothers who died when they were younger.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: The Hand
- Neck Snap: At least one villain is dispatched this way.
- Never Hurt an Innocent: May or May not be part of Elektra's personal code.
- Ninja School: Stick basically run a mix martial school.
- No Body Left Behind: The Hand villains turn to dust in a flash of green light. Even the major villains end this way.
- Old Master: Stick
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The Hand's Board in a very dark boardroom so as to give Sinister Silhouettes.
- Power Tattoo: Tattoo has the power to summon animals from his tattoos which cover his body. Snakes, Spiders, Wolves, and Hawks are all at his command. He uses them to spy as well as to fight for him.
- Product Placement: For Rite Aid. That's right, Rite Aid.
- And Close-Up toothpaste.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Kirigi has his own squad, comprised of Tattoo (summons animals to fight for him through his tattoos), Typhoid Mary (a Walking Wasteland), Stone (super strength and really tough skin), and Kinkou (perfect balance).
- Scope Snipe: There is a brief shot of Elektra looking through the scope of a rather complex looking compound bow.
- Secret Underground Passage: There is a convenient tunnel under McCabe's farmhouse that Elektra, Abby and her father use to flee from the villains as they surround the house.
- Shout-Out: Abby and Mark Miller is subtle one to Elektra's Creator Frank Miller
- Spin-Off: This movie is a Spinoff of Daredevil
- Supernatural Martial Arts: Kimagure --Combat Clairvoyance combined with martial arts and the power to control life and death.
- Super OCD: Elektra shows this. She must have all her toiletries, fruits and veggies lined up just so. She is also a Neat Freak who cleans to avoid leaving here DNA. Abby is also shown having this by her counting windows early in the film.
- Touch of Death: Typhoid has a literal killer touch everything she touches ages, withers and then dies. Which is opposite Stick who can bring back the dead by laying on hands and using Kimagure.
- Weapon of Choice: Elektra her Sais, Abby her Warrior Beads, Kirigi his Katanas, Stick his Bo, Stone a club.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: There is a lot of needing fathers approval subtext going on in the movie. Elektra on some level seems to want Sticks approval. Kirigi seeks his father's, Roshi, approval. It can even be read that Abby wants her father's approval. When the title of the movie is Elektra you have to expect some father issues.
- Woman in Black: Typhoid
- You Killed My Father: Both Elektra and Abby's mothers have been killed by the Hand.
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