The Bitterness Trilogy

The Bitterness Trilogy a collection of Phineas and Ferb fics. As the title suggests, they are very dark, but not quite serious enough to be considered DarkFics, since they are scattered with many a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. The stories follow a plot revolving around pre-release interpretations of the alternate dimensional versions of the characters from Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimenion.

The first story, entitled The Bitterness of Phineas Flynn, opens with a usual day on the job, the boys go on a mission to stop Doof, his minion Platyborg show up, etc., etc. Unfortunately, Doofenshmirtz had plans on revenge that day and was prepared for them. After being knocked of a high platform, Ferb dies in Phineas's arms, and Phineas swears to avenge him.

It's better than it just sounded. The story sometimes has cheesy writing and contains a lot of homage from Star Wars, but as a whole, is a wonderful story and should tug at your heartstrings and/or tear ducts at least once. And it has an Aesop that may actually be useful to you.

The second story, The Bitterness of Candace Flynn, though significantly shorter, is just as good, if not better than the first. It opens with a Flash Back to a the day tho boy's parents and sister get captured by Doofenshmirtz's minions. We get no indication as to where the parents are, but we do know that Candace joins the dark side. Back in present day, on another usual day on the job, the boys discover Candace has become fully evil. And everything just gets cooler from there.

The third and final story, The Bitterness of the Empire, concludes the series with a bang. A new character, Phineas's long-lost uncle, Phineas Phoebus Flynn, is introduced, battles are fought, tears are shed, lives are lost (Though, thankfully, none of them are characters we know), and Phineas tries to commit suicide . Yeah, you heard me right. We won't tell you why, though.

Read the first story here, the second one here, and the final one here.

Tropes used in The Bitterness Trilogy include:

Tropes relevant to the series as a whole

Tropes specific to the first story

"Y-you will [make it]," Phineas stammered. "Y-you have to."
Ferb gave Phineas a sad look. "Just go. Leave me."

"Ridiculous?!" Phineas responded furiously. "This is Danville!"

[Phineas] had given up hiding his bitterness.

Tropes specific to the second story

Ferb: "You will not hurt my brother!"

"You underestimate the power of love," said Phineas. "We still love you, Sis. No matter what, we always will."

Tropes specific to the third story

" Phineas, what did you think you were doing?"

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