< The Angry Joe Show

The Angry Joe Show/Awesome

  • In his Angry Review of Prototype, Angry Joe karate kicks a helicopter.
  • Angry Joe demands a refund for Sonic Free Riders...and succeeds, despite video game stories usually refusing to refund opened, non-faulty games. (He claimed the game was broken.)
  • Getting invited to Spike TV's Video Game Awards 2010 and obtaining an interview, despite (or possibly because of) thoroughly bashing the previous installment!
    • Now while the interview was far from perfect, Joe displayed why he's called Angry Joe and he took to task the the game industries repeated appeal to the Lowest Common Denominator.

"Not every gamer is a slobbering idiot sitting on his moms couch!"

  • Donning his Corporate Commander outfit (sans helmet) and making an anti-SOPA PSA outside of the United States Capitol Building despite *snipers* gathering on the roof as he was filming.
  • Top 10 Reasons We Hate ME3's Ending. What is really awesome, and sad is that it is not in his traditional hammy performance, but it is completely stoic. You realize real soon that it's not Angry Joe, but Joe Vargas himself.
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