< That Dude in the Suede

That Dude in the Suede/Funny

  • Suede parodying his viewer mail in his Comment Special and Trigun videos.

"You play the worst Air Guitar I have ever seen. But, I liked the vid. meh, not bad."
"Oh, and it's not like I don't respect your opinion, but i also have to disagree that anime openings are more creative than American intro songs for cartoons, in general. They both have a bunch of good, and not so good, intro themes. Some of my favorite theme songs for animated series are American, just like how some of my favorites are also anime openings."
"This is outstanding. Great editing and acting. Love the curtains."
"You suck! Why must you rip off The Nostalgia Critic? Every time someone like AVGN and NC show up someone has to copy them!

"You Rock! I hope you're also going to do reviews, why not review this fine anime?

"I don't like you! You have a weird accent, and things that are different make me fell threatened.Why don't you act more like the NC?

"LOL dude amv heaven is great but could you review this anime? I'll lose respect for you and tell the internet that you find boys interesting if you do not."

"You suck! You aren't creative enough to review an anime and I compensate for things outside of my control by putting people who caught a break down."

"So, I heard you like mudkips?"

"Review an anime!"





"So I like your curtains..."

  • The opening to AMV Heaven synchronizes a song and a clip of an anime to represent a angel singing. The song used in the intro? Smack My Bitch Up.
  • During the Trigun review, the entire lead-in to the actual review, with the conflicting messages, conflicting Suedes, and a compliment on the curtains. Said curtains were also randomly praised in the (parody) comment special.
  • You know Evil Brits? Well Suede has in his Top 11 Anime Villains list, what can only be described as an Evil Kiwi.

Suede: AHHHHHHH! I'm unclean! AHHHHHHH!

Suede: Orochimaru; He's a cold-hearted snake and HOLY CRAP he's a woman.

    • It's topped by his reaction to The Mushi from Mushishi:

Suede: Nothing is safe! Nowhere is safe! [They'll] come in through your eyeballs and make your drawings come to life! You're dead, I'm dead, WE'RE ALL DEAD! [[[Head Desk|headdesks]]] Dang, that's creepy!

    • And this moment when he talks about Frieza:

Frieza: You ruined everything, you Saiyan freakshow! How dare you meddle in my affairs!

Suede: Exposition is really lame, I'm bored out of my skull, heaven it's way too long my gosh, maybe I'll watch Final Fantasy the Spirits Within.

Suede: Final Fantasy VII! Answering the phone!

    • The constant captions of "LYING" whenever he says that the movie will get better or that something makes sense.
    • His summarizing of certain scenes.

Suede: Then Kadaj gives the children a really whiny speech that pretty much goes like this: "I am eeeeevil! I want to destroy the world! Look at my leather! Don't dream it, be it! Religious subtext!"

    • After showing several clips of Cloud angsting, he deadpans the chorus from 'Crawling" by Linkin Park.

Suede: Dang Cloud is depressing! It must've been all that making out with Squall during the Kingdom Hearts period. *shows a picture of Cloud dressed as a schoolgirl kissing Squall* This picture was too easy to come across!

    • "And so in typical anime fashion, Cloud defeats the giant beast with the help of his friends. Awwww."
    • His reasoning behind why Rufus covered his face, despite the fact that the audience already knew who he was. He was just too pretty.
    • His Advent Children review contains many, but one of the best is:

"Well, Cloud found out in an earlier fight that the stuff actually comes off with water (which makes me wonder about the hygiene of these little kids) and he gathers all the kids to...
*Cloud walks through a pool water over to one of the kids* "No..."
*Cloud grabs one of the kids and brings him into the pool of water with him* "No they can't..."
*Cloud cups water in his hands above the kid* "Oh, you have GOT to be..."
*Ode to Joy plays as Cloud pours water over the kid's head with the message "RELIGION IS GOOD AND CLOUD IS JEEBUS" over the screen.* "For the love of! WHY, MOVIE, WHY!? You could have been cool, you know! You could have been a contender!"

    • And in his commentary he discusses the angry youtube comments he got when he posted the review there, including "You suck", "You n00b", and "You sound like Mr. Bean."

Suede-1: Who wrote the original comic that Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot was based on?

Suede-2: Ah...Brian Michael Bendis?

Suede-1: No.

Suede-2: Judd Winick?

Suede-1: No.

Suede-2: Stan Le--

Suede-1: Nuh-uh.

Suede-2: Ah, it's got to be Lee Falk--

Suede-1: Nooo.

Suede-2: Carl Barks?

Suede-1: Okay, now you're just being silly.

Linkara: (bored) It's Frank Miller.

Both Suedes: What?

Linkara: It's Frank Miller.

Suede-1: Frank "Has a Thing for Castration" Miller?

Suede-2: Frank "I'll Dissolve a Kitten in Acid if I Think it Looks Cool" Miller?

Linkara: (laughing) No, not that Frank Miller.

Suede-2: Not that Frank Miller?

Linkara: (outraged) Yes, that Frank Miller!

Both Suedes: Woah, woah, sorry, yeah, just, sorry, ugh.


Suede-2: So who'd you think it was?

Suede-1: Alan Moore.

Suede-2 starts to take out his katana as Suede-1 protests

Suede-1: Well he wrote Top Ten! He's all over the shelves! He'll write anything!

Suede: Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot; even the title reminds you of anime. Created by Neil Gaiman.

Linkara: (annoyed) It's Frank Miller.

Suede: Sorry!

Suede: 90% of them happened after I joined this site.

  • From his review of "Hold Me Now" AMV.

Suede: I now want to watch an anime called Princess Tutu about ballet - after listening to Swedish pop music! *awful coughing commences with confused Suede checking himself* Pretty sure that was my macho.

Jew Wario: Hey guys! Man, these graphics are amazing!
Linkara and Suede: *Stunned silence*
Jew Wario: ... What? Don't you judge me!

      • Also, this (and their expressions are priceless!):

Suede: It's not a matter of judgement, Jew Wario, it's a matter of my brain having to shift gears without a clutch.
Linkara: I hurt myself in my confusion!
Suede: Kindly remove part of one your x chromosomes and meet us back here, please.

      • "...You've reached a higher level of nerd, haven't you?"
    • Photoshopping Pikachu's face on top of Zeus and Moby Dick.
    • In a nice Call Back to Suburban Knights, Suede gets fed up at Mewtwo's hypocrisy and has Jew Wario explain what hypocrisy is to him. It goes as well as you'd expect.
    • Near the end when Pikachu is trying to shock Ash out of his "death." But even with the riffing, a Pokefan may still find themselves both laughing and crying.

Jew Wario: CLEAR!
Suede: No, Pikachu, Electric isn't effective against rock! Get Squirtle... get Squirtle...

    • The part where they make fun of Giovanni's Italian nature. Extra points for having him sounds like Italy.
    • Suede(as Giovanni): I wonder what's on MythBusters...
    • JewWario points out that Mew's "it's what's on the inside that counts" speech from the 4kids version, actually was about that the true Pokémon would always win over the copies in one-to-one battle in the original Japanese. The trio looks on in horror, as the same clip is now rendered in black and white, and dubbed over with one of Hitler's speeches.
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