
The name Tazz may generate some confusion depending on the generation of some wrestling fans. To more modern fans, the name Tazz brings to mind a goofy, if entertaining commentator. To fans from the 1990's, however, the name Tazz brings to mind one of the most lethal wrestlers in the history of ECW. Born Peter Serenechia, Tazz began his wrestling career in 1987, wrestling for six years in Puerto Rico and the IWCCW promotion. In 1993, however, he would debut in ECW as The Tazmaniac, and 2 years later, after success in the tag team division and after suffering a severe neck injury, he would be rechristened as Taz, and become known as "The Human Suplex Machine", using a wide arsenal of suplexes and introducing his Tazmission finisher, which, to the surprise of some younger viewers, was what introduced the Tap Out to Professional Wrestling. You can read more about his career at The Other Wiki.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Boast: See the page quote.
- Brooklyn Rage
- Choke Holds: The Tazmission, a half nelson choke with body scissors.
- Cluster F-Bomb: In his ECW days.
- Cool Shades
- Deadpan Snarker: As a color commentator.
- Defeating the Undefeatable: At Royal Rumble 2000, Kurt Angle, who had been competing for the WWE with a several month long undefeated streak, issued an open challenge to anyone in the back to come face him. Tazz made his WWE debut by utterly curb stomping Angle, choking him unconscious with the Tazzmission.
- Game-Breaking Injury: His mounting neck injuries were what caused his retirement in 2002.
- I Know Judo
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: At a relative scale. By pro wrestling standards, 5'9 and 240 pounds meant he was tiny compared to half the rest of the roster. Led to much Underestimating Badassery on their part.
- Put On The Commentators Table: Due to mounting neck injuries.
- Suplex Finisher: Much of his arsenal consisted of a wide variety of suplexes. A particularly noteworthy example would be the Tazmissionplex, where he locked his opponent in a half nelson choke, before throwing them through the air onto their shoulders and head. If he hit you with this, you didn't get back up.
- Thirteen Is Unlucky
- Unstoppable Rage
- Writing Around Trademarks: His original name, The Tazmaniac and his following one of Taz were changed to Tazz when he debuted in WWE. He was able to get away with it in ECW due to ECW being too low-key for Warner Bros to notice.