< Tasakeru


The following are Subjective Tropes related to Tasakeru. Please feel free to add more examples.

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: The entire Silver Order. Noble Paladins or fuzzy Gestapo who only hold back on exterminating Half-breeds so it won't undermine their claim of "Endorsed by Life herself"? As it stands, they've made sure Wolfoxes cannot hold property in-city, nor can they stay there for longer than a day or so. Wolfoxes are also expected to wear black cloaks and live in the most dangerous and undesirable area on the island-more or less the guildenstern and all that other nonsense.
  • Canon Sue: Averted /Defied, even though Zero is the Time God's Keshin (read "Chosen" or "Exalted"), he can't do god-stuff all the time, it'd kill him. Think Super Mode.
  • Complete Monster: Ares. He was exiled from his tribe for "mate-hunting". Even moreso, and with added Nightmare Fuel, when he is resurrected as Stalker. His "mother" also qualifies.
  • Designated Hero: Some think skunk mythology features this. Rose and Chrysanthemum behave more like horror-movie sorrority bitches than the kind, loving goddesses they're supposed to be.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Take a wild guess.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Stories of cute, furry, anthropomorphic animals like squirrels and foxes... that engage in religious wars, centuries of bloody and violent conflicts, fanatical Death God worshiping, Attempted Rape, and permanent banishment from society, among other things.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds/ Designated Villain: The skunk death-goddess seems pretty put-upon to someone not brainwashed into thinking she's evil.
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