Tales of the Abyss: The Abridged Series
Cause I'm Johnny Yong Bosch!
Tales of the Abyss: The Abridged Series is an abridgement in progress of the Animated Adaptation of the video game Tales of the Abyss, written by SWardVA and edited by a number of YouTube fandubbers, including Lumin Abyss, Beatblox and ShockySparky. It's notably unique in that its characters accept the fact that it takes place in an Alternate Universe, although like many others it also does away with the fourth wall and ridicules much of the game's silly moments. It currently consists mainly of promo skits and a few episodes, and can be found here.
- Actor Allusion: Guy likes to revel in his "Boschyness".
- During the fight scene toward the end of episode 3, while calling his actions, it seemed suspiciously like Guy was saying "Lance! Slash!"
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Jade.
- A God Am I: During Penguin Rapture, Johnny Yong Penguin declared himself the "Penguin God".
- Alternate Universe: The series so far seems to accept that it is one, given that the cheagles have given the real Sorcerer's Ring to "the real cast". The fourth wall isn't exactly durable, either. Guy more or less blows it wide open in Episode Two.
- Exclusively Evil: As weird as it seems, the Cheagles seem to be heading in this direction. They all-too willingly offer one of their own up to be eaten by Luke & co. before tossing an Evil Knockoff of the Sorcerer's Ring on him. Why? Because they could. Contrasts quite a lot with the Liger Queen, who's actually shown to be pretty okay.
- Anything That Moves: The Malkuth soldiers. They got turned on by being assaulted and maimed by wolves.
- Artistic License Physics: Ridiculed with Guy's super-jump in Episode 3.
- Berserk Button: If the events of the promo carry over into future episodes, then Mieu's will be calling him cute.
- Biggus Dickus: Mieu, by his own account.
- Buffy-Speak: The extras tend to employ this. Might possibly be Fridge Brilliance since, let's face it, when do NPC's ever say anything specific and/or useful?
- The Caligula: As of Episode 3, Guy is officially this to the penguins.
- Call Back: The end of Ep 3 to Ep 2.
- Cute Is Evil: The Cheagles, or at the least they're extreme Jerkasses. Especially so when under the influence of the Sorcerer's Bling.
- Does This Remind You of Anything? / Double Entendre: Most of the things that the generic guards come out with. At first. By now, they're not even bothering to hide the innuendo.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Luke is oblivious to the fact that Ion is a guy until the end of the episode he first appears in.
- And who wasn't?
- Ditto for Guy.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: "Johnny Yong Penguin" seems set to become a minor meme.
- Evil Knockoff: The cheagles had to give the actual Sorcerer's Ring to the original game's cast. Instead, they have "the Sorcerer's Bling". It only has a tiny side-effect.
- Fan Service: Frequently pointed out and ridiculed.
- Fridge Brilliance: Whether it's intentional or not is up for debate, but the reason for the larger skits/episode ratio could be because the actual game is chock-full of the former compared to its cutscenes (and that's saying something).
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today? / Testosterone Poisoning: The Malkuth Soldiers seem to like proving their heterosexuality by discussing their very heterosexual sex lives a little bit too much.
- Husky Russkie: Legretta and some of the Oracle Knights.
- Idiot Hero: Luke again, doubling up with Does Not Understand Sarcasm.
- Incredibly Lame Pun / Pungeon Master: Jade is full of them.
- It's All About Me: Luke could very well be the poster boy of this trope.
Luke: "You can't even see my face from here! C'mon, get back to ME!"
Luke: "When the camera's on me, you should only hear me!"
Luke: "Hey, bitch! Stop stealing my screen time!"
- Jerkass: Luke is one (even more so than his game counterpart), but Jade seems to be giving him a run for his money with his utterly awful puns.
- Jekyll and Hyde: In the fourth promo, Mieu shows shades of this. Subverted in that the "Jekyll" side seemed to be just an act.
- Justin Bieber: The Oracle soldiers are his Fanboys.
- Killed Mid Song: Largo, by Jade.
- Kissing Cousins
Natalia: "Where is that sexy cousin of mine?"
- Laughing Mad: Guy.
- Larynx Dissonance: Invoked by Mieu's voice actor during his "kawaii pose".
- Leitmotif: Mieu has one. Not long after he plays it, Luke asks for some of his own but proceeds to get bitchslapped for his troubles... off-screen.
- Mieu does incinerate his face in a promo, though.
- Medium Awareness: More or less everybody.
- Obligatory Swearing: The second episode. The third mocks it by compiling them all for its ""Previously On..."" section.
- Off-Model: Ridiculed when the Liger shows up and looks like it's trying to give the party a high-five.
- Rule of Funny: The only reason Guy has so many Johnny Yong Bosch moments.
- Running Gag:
- The Master Van Counter *Ding!*
- Luke tripping on rocks. Even when teleporting.
- Master Van's eyebrows, which alludes to a gag in the actual game.
- This is the best Johnny Yong Joke of all time. OF ALL TIME!
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Guy and Mieu have started to do this.
- Scary Black Man: MIEU?!
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Luke, quite often.
- Shout-Out:
- Episode One finds itself interrupted a few times by Luke a la Kuzco from The Emperors New Groove.
- Guy senses a "Johnny Yong disturbance."
- IIRC, Mieu's Leitmotif is Shane McMahon's.
- "People die when they get stabbed with spears. And swords. And when you fight them."
- Super-Powered Evil Side: The Sorcerer's Bling apparently gives its holder one.
- Evil Brit: Most of the cast are Americans and, as such, most of the Cheagles are voiced by them. When Mieu's Scary Black Man Side takes over, however, he's played by the only Brit on the team. Discuss.
- Take That: To both Vin Diesel and Johnny Yong Bosch.
Dist: "Who would have thought that Vin could change up his voice and be a good voice actor?"
Sync: "It's not all about changing your voice. You can be a successful voice actor even if you're super-cheap and use only one voice."
Guy: "... I sense... a Johnny Yong disturbance."
- The Tease: The Alternate Character Interpretation of Tear seems to be heading in this direction.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Invoked by Tear.
Luke: "You keep a map in your ear?"
Tear: "Wait 'till you see where I keep my telescope."
Luke: "Where do you keep it?"
Tear: "* Ahem* ."