Tales of the Abyss: The Abridged Series

Tales of the Abyss: The Abridged Series is an abridgement in progress of the Animated Adaptation of the video game Tales of the Abyss, written by SWardVA and edited by a number of YouTube fandubbers, including Lumin Abyss, Beatblox and ShockySparky. It's notably unique in that its characters accept the fact that it takes place in an Alternate Universe, although like many others it also does away with the fourth wall and ridicules much of the game's silly moments. It currently consists mainly of promo skits and a few episodes, and can be found here.

Tropes used in Tales of the Abyss: The Abridged Series include:

Luke: "You can't even see my face from here! C'mon, get back to ME!"
Luke: "When the camera's on me, you should only hear me!"
Luke: "Hey, bitch! Stop stealing my screen time!"

Natalia: "Where is that sexy cousin of mine?"

Dist: "Who would have thought that Vin could change up his voice and be a good voice actor?"
Sync: "It's not all about changing your voice. You can be a successful voice actor even if you're super-cheap and use only one voice."
Guy: "... I sense... a Johnny Yong disturbance."

Luke: "You keep a map in your ear?"
Tear: "Wait 'till you see where I keep my telescope."
Luke: "Where do you keep it?"
Tear: "* Ahem* ."

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