Tales of Hetalia/Characters
Characters who have appeared on Tales of Hetalia. For more information on the canon characters, check out the Hetalia Character Sheet.
The Allies
Alfred F. Jones
Calm your tits!
- Adorkable: Put him in any scene with Lilette. Any. He is seemingly more polite than usual around her but does screw up sometimes.
Alfred: Arthur's ass is mine!
Lilette: What?
- America Saves the Day: He saved Perstity and Lilette from the Lamia single-handed. This was also his first time fighting with the weapons he has now.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Alfred is almost always eager to fight, especially with the Axis.
- The Ditz
- Heroic Wannabe: Just like in the original series.
- Idiot Hero: When he and Arthur first stumble into Rukassia, he says that they probably got drunk or high and this is an illusion.
- Making a Splash
- Weapon of Choice: Dual Swords.
Arthur Kirkland
I have every right. As a feared captain of my own loyal crew...I have every right and more.
- Black Magic: His specialty as the mage of the group.
- Former Teen Rebel: His old pirate self breaks out to kick out the Forain pirates.
- Mean Brit: How did he meet Lilette? Pulled a bed sheet off her to see what she really looked like. After seeing she was a demon, he called her out on it and scared her. Alfred, although, slaps him and tells him to calm down.
- Overly Long Name: After Alfred tells his country name to Lilette, they both agree that it's a long name. During his affection scene, he is surprised she got it right for the first time.
- Quintessential British Gentleman: He tries his best to be polite to Lilette after being quite harsh during their first encounter. However, he is easily polite to everyone else apart from his teammates.
- Weapon of Choice: Spell Book
Francis Bonnefoy
My, my! All of you are just so cute, I would eat you if I could~
- Annoying Laugh: So much that this is how Alfred, Arthur, and Lilette find him.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Francis retains this in the form of having Pow Hammer, a Tales arte usually given to supportive girl characters.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: His quote is from his opening scene in Rukassia when he is surrounded by girls.
- In his first scene in the library, he's reading porn instead of anything the Axis might have read.
- Weapon of Choice: Twin Handguns
Ivan Braginski
(Talking about his Spear when Alfred calls it useless.)Hehe...you...want to find out...how useless it is?
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Deadpan Snarker: Oh so much...
- Improbable Weapon User: Alfred calls his spear useless. In addition, he has fought the least out of the party and is seen with only one arte.
- Weapon of Choice: Spears.
Wang Yao
Why is no one listening to me, aru?!
- Butt Monkey: Used word for word by Word of God.
- Combat Medic: After trying it, he reveals that he has healing artes too. Combined with a bow and some arrows, he becomes another Natalia.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: No one listens to him when he objects to dressing up as a girl.
- Only Sane Man: He is this when he's not dressed up as a girl.
- Playing with Fire
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Lampshaded during his affection scene on the Queen Victoria when he secretly hopes that Alfred did not mention his age to Lilette.
- Weapon of Choice: Bows and Arrows.
The Demons
Lilette Einmell
Oh! I'm so sorry-I didn't realize that! You come from different places so I...Oh...silly me...
- Big Eater: Eats almost an entire cake on her own.
- Black Cloak: Combined with In the Hood, this is how she hides her white hair.
- Casting a Shadow: Dark Sphere is one of her artes-a demonic specialty it seems.
- The Cutie: Her speech and actions are all the epitome of this trope.
- I Will Protect Her: In the first affection scene, whomever she is talking to will say they will protect her.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Innocent enough to not know how pregnancy works and not mind having her clothes torn in front of guys.
- Light'Em Up: She also has Photon and uses healing magic.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She is always polite towards everyone except for the other demons.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A in her new outfit.
Flat and Sharp
Flat: You're just annoyed that he didn't follow orders. Heh.
- Deadpan Snarker: Flat, mostly when she's talking to Melody.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Lady in Red: Flat.
- Knife Nut: Flat
- Theme Twin Naming They are named after opposite accidentals in music theory.
Unless you want to see your precious princess get a taste of curses...I suggest all of you listen.
- Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: Rondo is her "dog."
- Dark Action Girl: When she's not using her monsters or Rondo, she is implied to be a hands on person.
- Dominatrix
- Whip It Good
Rukassian Humans
Grace Einmell
As you wish...my masters.
- Interspecies Adoption: She raised Lilette who is a demon. Grace, obviously, is human.