Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis/Characters
The characters of Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis.
Alphonse Loeher
Protagonist of Knight of Lodis. A young knight from the Felis region of Lodis, assigned to the Order of the Sacred Flame. He leaves Lodis with his friend and commander, Rictor Lasanti, for the island of Ovis.
Tropes associated with Alphonse:
- Break the Cutie: The whole game is this for him.
- Dude in Distress: Is captured by Nichart early on and chained to wall to interrogate.
- Freudian Excuse
- Kid Hero: Only fifteen.
- The Lancer: To Rictor, initially.
- Start of Darkness: In the end, his name is changed to Lanselot Tartaros.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: His battle sprite has blue hair. Despite this, his portrait has black hair.
Eleanor Olato
A young, orphaned girl living at a church on Solea beach. She finds Alphonse washed up on the shore and saves his life. Alphonse later returns to her to gain information on mermaids. He would later save her life from northern troops, who likewise had come for information on the mermaids. She accompanies him from then on, and the two become lovers.
Tropes associated with Eleanor:
- Blessed with Suck: Her pearl necklace, which has the power to protect her. Unfortunately, it's rather overzealous about it, and its power kills a bully, which ends with her being driven out of her hometown. She ends up at the Solea church.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears to be completely unimportant, until a one-off line of her's about a mermaid becomes the main plot point.
- Doomed by Canon.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice: Does this in the canon A Path for Alphonse. To his horror.
- Kid Hero: Her age isn't stated, but she's clearly younger than Alphonse.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Views Alphonse as this.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Her pearl necklace.
- Rescue Romance: Interesting case. She initially saves Alphonse after finding him washed up on a beach. He later saves her from being kidnapped.
Ivanna Baatral
A former knight of Ranaculus and the niece of Lord Naris.
Tropes associated with Ivanna:
- Combat Medic: Comes equipped with the "Heal" spell.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Lady of War
- The Obi-Wan: To Alphonse early on.
- Royal Rapier: Although she prefers to use swords.
- Younger Than They Look: He silverish hair can also be seen as grayish.
Cybil Alinda
A agent of the Hand of Pope, an organization that wishes to return political power to the pope of Lodis. She saves Alphonse's life at Formido, and contracts his services for her cause after that. After his debt is repaied, he chooses to continue serving the Hand.
Tropes associated with Cybil:
- All Love Is Unrequited: Does not reciprocate Shiven's love for her, and Alphonse does not reciprocate her love for him.
- Blow You Away/Shock and Awe
- Green-Eyed Monster: B Path.
- Hair Flip: Does this before speaking in nearly every cutscene.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the non-canon B Path, she does this for Eleanor, preventing her own Heroic Sacrifice for Alphonse.
- Improbable Weapon User: Fans, though she can just as easily wields staves.
- Love Makes You Evil: In the non-canon B Path, she willingly becomes possessed by Shaher in order to kill Alphonse, revealing that she was jealous of his relationship with Eleanor.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Reveals in the B Path ending that she is Eleanor's biological sister.
- Ms. Fanservice: Judging by her official artwork.
- Show Some Leg
- Summon Magic: Thunderbird, the wind spirit.
Shiven Verde
A ninja and the right-hand man of Cybil.
- All Love Is Unrequited: For Cybil.
- Fragile Speedster
- Katanas Are Just Better
- The Lancer: To Cybil.
- Ninja
- Satellite Character: To Cybil.
- Undying Loyalty: To Cybil.
Rictor Lasanti
The son of the Duke of Felis and a friend of Alphonse's. He is sent to Ovis under the guise of solving its political turmoil, when in reality, it is a power play by his father.
Tropes associated with Rictor:
- Big Brother Mentor: To Alphonse.
- Combat Medic: Though proficient in melee combat, he can also wield healing spells.
- Demonic Possession: By Shaher, which leads to...
- Fighting From the Inside: After his defeat, he fights from within and commits suicide to free himself.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight
- Disc One Final Boss: A Path.
- Doomed by Canon.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- The Lancer: Alphonse is initially this to him, and he becomes this to Alphonse in the non-canon B Path.
- Royal Rapier
- Summon Magic: Ignis Faatus, the... flying squirrel virtue spirit.
Orson Lamies
An archer sent with Rictor to Ovis. Acts an adviser and mentor to both Rictor and Alphonse.
Tropes associated with Orson:
- The Archer
- Doomed by Canon
- It Has Been an Honor: After the battle with him in A Path, he and an Alphonse both acknowledge the other as a Worthy Opponent.
- The Obi-Wan: To Rictor.
The self-proclaimed strongest mermaid on Ovis. Harbors a grudge against humans for events in the past history of Ovis.
Tropes associated with Aerial:
- Blade on a Stick
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Fantastic Racism: Towards humans, initially.
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Poor Communication Kills: Under the impression that Alphonse injured another mermaid named Minerva, she attacks you. She never gives Alphonse the chance to explain himself, as he had actually saved said mermaid from an attack by Rictor's forces. Due to this, up to seven of her comrades end up dead.
- However, this is different in the B Path where the previous map has Minerva as the boss and can either be killed or reduced to a low health level and escape.
A necromancer obsessed with reviving his dead wife. He successfully calls her spirit back, which possessed their daughter. He exiles himself to an abandoned fort, and will join your party if you defeat him.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Golem: Can summon miniature versions to attack enemies.
- Magic Knight
- Making a Splash/An Ice Person
- Necromantic
- Necromancer: His backstory, though his actual class is "Summoner".
- Optional Party Member
- Poor Communication Kills: When he's confronted by Euphaire, he assumes that she's still possessed by her dead mother's soul, and is willing to kill her so that both can rest in peace. Euphaire does nothing to dispel this, and depending on how the battle goes, up to seven of Elrik's comrades end up dead.
- Summon Magic: Fenrir, the water wolf spirit.
Elrik's daughter. She attacks you at Blete while under the possession of her mother's soul. Defeating her will put the spirit the rest, and she'll join you out of gratitude.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Does this when she confronts her father.
- Cast from Hit Points: Her energy transfer ability essentially allows other characters to cast from her hit points.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Glass Cannon
- Kill It with Fire
- Optional Party Member
- Summon Magic: Salamander, the fire spirit.
Glycinia and Lubina
Twin fairies. The latter runs away, and the former spends her time trying to find her, before being assaulted by enemies.
- Combination Attack: When both are in the same battle and on adjacent spaces, they can launch one.
- Magic Missile: Said combination attack.
- Master of Disguise: Lubina disguises herself as a gremlin to hide from Glycinia.
- Optional Party Member
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Lubina is red, Glycinia is blue.
A lesser minion of the netherworld. He comes to the human world in order to find strong opponents to fight. Upon his defeat, he offers his services to Alphonse so he can find more strong opponents to fight. However, he will not join the party if Lobelia is in it.
An angel knight sent by God to assist Alphonse in his mission against Shaher. Will not join the party if Saia is in it.
Naris Baatral
Lord of Ranaculus, the northern region of Ovis. Allies himself with Rictor while plotting against him.
Tropes associated with Naris:
- An Axe to Grind
- Cain and Abel: Killed his brother to become lord of Ovis.
- Deal with the Devil: Actively seeks this out with Shaher.
- Disc One Final Boss: B Path
- One-Hit Kill: His "Hell's Gate" attack has a chance of doing this.
- Villain with Good Publicity: The public is in the dark about his murder of his brother.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Upon gaining powers from Shaher, he tests them by randomly killing a nearby Mook.
Nichart Briffaut
Naris' former right-hand man and esquire of Ranaculus.
Tropes associated with Nichart:
- Blade on a Stick
- The Dragon: Formerly this to Naris, before Cirvante and Lethe entered the picture.
- The Rival: Alphonse sees him as this.
- Whip It Good: As part of a torture cut-scene.
Cirvante and Lethe
Naris' advisers, who are secretly agents of Shaher.
- The Archer: Cirvante wields a bow in his true form.
- Black Magic: Cirvante's "Fiend's Grip" spell.
- Blow You Away/Shock and Awe: Lethe's wind spells.
- Co-Dragons: To Naris and Shaher.
- Creepy Twins
- Enigmatic Minion
- Fallen Angel: Their true forms are "Dark Angels".
- Half-Identical Twins
- Meaningful Name
- Mook Maker: Cirvante can summon Undead and Gremlins to replace fallen allies.
- Royal Rapier: Lethe in her true form.
- Squishy Wizard: Surprisingly averted. Both are quite durable in their initial forms. They actually have lower defenses in their true forms despite those forms being physical classes.
- Truth Serums: Lethe uses one to interrogate Alphonse after his capture by Nichart.
An angel fallen from grace, sealed by God in a sheet of ice in the northwest area of Ovis. Seeks revenge on God. He fell when he started a revolution in the legendary Ogre Battle in an attempt to draw God's attention.
Tropes associated with Shaher:
- An Ice Person: Has one spell in his initial form that involves freezing.
- Big Bad
- Bishonen
- Call Forward: He uses Anbicion.
- Cool Sword: The Anbicion, which is wielded by Tartare in Let Us Cling Together.
- Deal with the Devil: Attempted with Rictor, who turns him down, resulting in the below. Successfully executed with Naris.
- Demonic Possession: Over Rictor, briefly. Cybil in the non-canon B Path.
- Fallen Angel
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: One of each. A feathery white angel wing, and a demonic leathery bat wing.
- Just Between You and Me: Subverted. Refuses to explain himself even after Alphonse specifically asks him to.
- The Man Behind the Man
- Mook Maker: Can Summon more allies to replace fallen ones in both his forms.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Rage Against the Heavens: Not the cause of his fall, but his reaction to the fall.
- Satan
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Shapeshifting: Takes the former of Ivanna's younger sister, who was Rictor's Love Interest.