< Symphonic Rain

Symphonic Rain/Characters

Main Characters

Chris Vertin

Tortinita Fine

  • Dogged Nice Guy: to... interesting... levels as revealed in Al Fine mode.
  • Evil Twin: If you consider Torta "evil" for lying a lot to Chris about the 'real' situation for that long. Although that would stretch the definition of "evil" by a very long way.
  • Lethal Chef: in contrast to Arietta. Although she's actually perfectly competent. She just used to suck.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Torta has liked Chris since they were kids, but he ends up hooking up with her sister at a young age, despite everyone's belief that Torta and Chris are more compatible. She does eventually hook up with him at the end of her Al Fine route.
  • Unrequited Love

Arietta Fine

  • The Ghost: Remains this until you play Torta's route. Actually it's just Torta pretending to be Arietta. The real Ari doesn't show up until the epilogue of the Golden Ending or was there all along depending on your point of view.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

Falsita Fawcett

  • Manipulative Bastard: Uses Asino to get closer to Chris so she can use Chris as her Fortell accompaniment. However she falls in love with Chris and he with her anyway, and Chris eventually doesn't mind being "used" by her.
    • Also if you don't take her route, she makes Asino do the recital with her freshman brother, all as a deal so he could actually acquaint with her more in the future.

Liselsia Cesarini


Side Characters

Asino Altiele


Grave Cesarini

Ninna Fine

Granny Classic

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