Switchblade Sisters
The Silver Daggers are a gang of young hoods who control an inner-city high school, where they sell drugs and sex to the student body and fight anyone who gets in their way. The Daggers have a ladies' auxiliary, The Dagger Debs, who rumble just as hard as the men, but one day chief Dagger Deb Lace meets her match in Maggie, a new kid who won't back down. When a scuffle lands Maggie and the Debs in jail for the night, Maggie comes to Lace's rescue, and Maggie becomes Lace's new right-hand woman. However, fellow Deb Patch is jealous of Maggie's friendship with Lace, and begins spinning a web of deceit to destroy Lace's trust in the new deb. In the midst of the infighting, the Silver Daggers find their turf challenged by a rival gang who pose as a community action team, and the Debs join forces with a revolutionary political group.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Dominic for Lace.
- Big Eater: Donut
- Distaff Counterpart: Dagger Debs (Jezebels) for Silver Daggers.
- Eyepatch of Power: Patch
- Girlish Pigtails: Lace for a scene toward the end
- Groin Attack
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Bunny is the wife of one of Dave Seville's sons
- Fans may recognize a young Hook as Bob Pinciotti
- Donut is the daughter of a controversial stand-up comedian and social critic
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Though you have to use some voice editing to pitch up her voice but Bunny is Theodore and The Chipettes
- Just Like Robin Hood: Capitalist gangster Crabs gives free food to the poor while stealing dope on the side.
- Knife Nut
- Meaningful Name: Patch
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The whole girl gang with the the exception of Maggie
- Shadow Discretion Shot: Fight between Maggie and Lace toward the end.
- Spear Counterparts: Silver Daggers for Dagger Debs (Jezebels)
- Traitor Shot: When Maggie is saying "Dominic's dead because somebody tipped Crabs off about the roller rink and I'm gonna find out who," ( Both Dagger Debs and Silver Daggers devised an ambush on Crabs's men at a local roller rink, but the effort proves disastrous when Crabs' men show up heavily armed and Dominic is killed) watch Patch's face . Another instant is when Maggie, Lace and Patch have a defenseless Crabs cornered, Patch shoots Crabs before he has a chance to squeal.