Superman: The Animated Series/Heartwarming

  • Martha Kent's first thought when she comes across an abandoned baby in a spaceship is pick him up and start caring for him. Like a mother.
  • In the episode "The Late Mr. Kent", Lois confesses to Superman that, despite her teasing, she really did respect and like Clark (who, as the title would indicate, is believed to be dead at this point); Dana Delany's delivery just breaks your heart.
  • Supes' farewell to Dan Turpin: "Goodbye, old friend. In the end, the world didn't need a superman... just a brave one." That moment (as well as Turpin's death) blew my little 8 year-old mind.
    • Turpin's tombstone reads as follows: "Daniel Turpin: Earth's Greatest Hero". In a world of superheroes, there is no higher praise.
    • Among those attending the funeral are Lex Luthor and Lois Lane (who's been giving Turpin so much hard time, as shown in "Tools of the Trade" and "Apocalypse... Now!: Part II").
    • And of course, the dedication to Jack Kirby at the end.
    • Speaking of Turpin, "Tools of the Trade" has Superman publicly give him thanks for saving him, and Turpin saluting as he flies off.
    • From "Apokolips... Now!": Toby Raynes staying at her (implicit) lifemate, Maggie Sawyer's side at the hospital, while Maggie was recovering from injuries. And, later on, at Turpin's funeral.
  • In the Batman-Superman story, Lois discovers that Bruce Wayne (whom she is dating at the point) is Batman. As she tends to his wounds, she bemoans how she is sitting atop the biggest story in history, the true identity of Batman, yet there's "not a blasted thing" she can do about it. Bruce smiles at her and says "then you really do care about me".
  • Superman upon discovering the remains of Krypton, laments that there is no sign anything could of survived, that he is indeed the last of his kind...but then he gets a distress signal from a nearby world. It too had suffered from the explosion of its sister planet, Krypton. From what seems like Superman was too late, that everyone on that sister planet perished too, Superman noticed one sleeping chamber not destroyed from the harsh weather and climate that ruined the planet...and it's still active and working. The life form sleeping inside is still alive, and that lifeform he comes to adopt as his cousin, bringing her back to his adoptive world Earth, Supergirl. What makes this even more sweet is how even though Clark constantly nags at Supergirl in the two-parter she's introduced...the two seem to act as if akin to a Big Brother and Little Sister, because they are the last of their kind-so they found instant kinship with each other. Daaaw!
  • This line from the Finale from Lois Lane, Superman hears the cries and distrust of all the people around him in Metropolis (super hearing after all)...Lois tells him not to listen becuase the people are wrong. He disagrees saying the people are right, then asks out loud, how can he get the people of his adoptive planet to ever trust him again... Lois's response...

Lois: One person at a time...*they kiss*

  • YMMV, but the ending of the episode, "Superman's Pal" was this for me...Superman gave Jimmy a watch that sends out a signal that Superman can hear, any time Jimmy might be in danger, saying that Jimmy will need it-now that the world knows that the two are close friends. (What really hits the mark for me about this, was the whole episode Jimmy kept denying that someone as important as Big Blue couldn't possibly his friend, and Superman told him to find a way to "clear up this whole mess" that started in the news stretching the truth about Jimmy's friendship with Superman-as if they were BFF's) But Superman pretty much tells Jimmy, "Yeah you are my friend, and I'll always have your back." Actually, the way the two saved each other from Metallo, and their conversation was also very akin to a Big/Little Brother relationship almost. Superman clearly has a nack for being there for teenagers in this show. (See the Supergirl example from above)
  • The end of "Identity Crisis". Upon realising he's not Superman, Bizarro stays behind in a lab about to explode; holding it up so Supes and Lois can escape. The last thing he hears before the building goes up is confirmation of what he wanted to be:

Lois: You are a hero.

  • When Flash and Superman race, they still take the time to pay their toll at the booth, even though the attendant can't see anything except a sudden gust of wind.
  • The end of "Knight Time," where Superman tells Bruce how well Tim was able to take care of things in his absence. "For someone who's supposed to be a loner, you sure know how to pick a partner."
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