< Superjail
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The arrival of the second season.
- And now there's a third season on the way.
- Chekhov's Boomerang: In the season 2 finale, many refrences to Ultra Prison result in getting all the characters and inmates captured by the Ultra Prison characters.
- Crosses the Line Twice: This happens at least once a minute on this show. By the time any given episode is over, the line is practically obliterated.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "So, uh, DUDE. How's your DATE going, huh? ..." among many other moments.
- "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the -- oh, that works too."
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The Littlest Cancer Patient episode has a few of these, especially her interaction with the Fire Man.
- Situations that looked like they were going to cross into squick territory became CMOH that were both sweet and funny. The various hardened thugs, rapists and killers putting all their efforts into a children's birthday party was cute AND hilarious
- The moment in the season finale when the Twins reunite with Combaticus might qualify as well.
- The first season finale where Jared and Alice find Jailbot, and upon freeing him, Jailbot gives the pair a hug and his facial display turns into a heart. It's only a moment, and is immediately followed by Jailbot grabbing a kid and shaking him inside out for the seagulls to eat.
- Jared's date with Cherice.
- Jailbot setting Jackknife free at the end of the second season premiere.
- There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it one in "Ghosts": late in the episode, when the ghosts are invading Superjail, you briefly see the burned inmate reunited with the ghost of Sanser. It's also subverted in the same episode when Jackknife sees his dead father again. First they hug -- and then they start trying to kill each other.
- Ear Worm: The Time Police! Really, you're gonna watch this clip over and over again.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The Mistress
- Flanderization: Only three episodes of the new series came out, and the Warden is already much wimpier and just childish, instead of being a Psychopathic Manchild as usual.
- The second season focuses more on Alice's feminine side, and the Twins have slightly more of a personality now -- apparently trading in their screentime for it (although they do get an episode focusing on them). These changes will be met with good or bad responses from viewers.
- Fridge Horror: In the drug episode, Jared is the most reluctant to smoke the mysterious crystals, absolutely panicking at the thought of trying this drug. Jared has been established to be recovering from several strong addictions to alcohol, nicotine, and junk food -- and is frequently haunted by the threat of a relapse. What else might he be afraid of falling back into against his will?
- Ho Yay: The Warden (while humping Jared's head): "Jared, I could make sweet, sweet love to your big bald head!"
- Also, in the Twincest category:
First Twin: "Would you like to accompany me to the concert show tonight?"
Other Twin: "Are you asking me out on a date?"
First Twin: "Maybe..." (both giggle)
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Hunter of "Hot Chick". Subverted as she's a lethal woman that takes no prisoners.
- Then completely and utterly subverted when we find out what she REALLY is: the Twins' alien childhood pet..
- Mind Screw: The ending of "Ghosts". So Jared destroyed the root of the problem and...wait, why are all the souls in a spiral around the temple of some five-headed deity? And why are they getting reincarnated as plants? And WHY ARE STILL ABLE TO TALK?
- That's probably the mildest possible example from the show. Any of the rampant, rapid-fire surrealism or the Gainax Endings of "Time Police (Part 2)" or "The Dream Machine" screw the mind much more powerfully.
- Nightmare Fuel: Usually at least once per episode.
- The hallucination scene at the end of "Negatron" quickly turns downright disturbing.
- It's amazing that despite all the horrible things that are seen in Superjail, perhaps the most disturbing imagery the show has to offer is [{{[[[Uncanny Valley]] Jailbot's dream}}.
- Just try watching this show while hallucinating (from lack of sleep, or *cough*other methods).
- Tear Jerker: YES, a TEAR JERKER in Superjail!, of all shows. If you don't cry in the Littlest Cancer Patient episode, you have no humanity.
- Or not so much.
- Definitely yes.
- Adult Swim had no problem with what was put in the show until they asked why the creators killed Sanser.
- Definitely yes.
- The ending to Combaticus was a bit sad, too.
- Jackknife's past was quite tragic.
- The death of the world famous racer in "Superjail Grand Prix".
- The ending of Time Police I, where the woman holding a baby is gunned down, and the baby, still in her arms, is crying.
- Alice's back story.
- Jared getting harassed a lot of the time. Special mention goes to when he is assaulted on the street, and he cries out "Call 9-1-1!"
- How much Alice wants to be a mommy. She may be big, buff, tough, and badass, but she has been show to be EXTREMELY nurturing towards children.
- Or not so much.
- The Woobie: Jared and Distaff Counterpart Cherise
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