Superhero Movie
Oh great, another _____ Movie...
Wait, what?
Not by Seltzer and Friedberg, it's actually from Craig Mazin and David Zucker, the creative team behind Scary Movie 3 and 4. While Superhero Movie still relies on some of their gags, it can still be considered as good a quality movie as the Scary Movie series.
Being a parody of the Spider-Man films, it uses the basic premise. Kid isn't popular, goes on field trip to science-y place, gets bitten by a bug, gets superpowers. Meanwhile, the kid's crush's boyfriend's uncle's company is working on an untested device that can cure anything and tries it on himself to heal his terminal illness, which is due to kill him in one hour. It explodes, and gives him some nifty powers that allow him to suck the life out of people, starting with the board of directors who were observing his demonstration.
It's often lumped into the same category as Seltzer and Friedberg movies, often unfairly, although it received negative reviews from critics, the humour was matched to that of Scary Movie.
- Actor Allusion: Rick accidentally kneeling on Leslie Nielsen's groin. It's in the trailer. It's also in Naked Gun 2 ½: The Smell of Fear.
- Beard of Sorrow: Parodied It's fake.
- Black Best Friend: Trey to Rick.
- Butt Monkey: Rick. And Lance, to an extent.
- Comically Missing the Point: The Hourglass's titanium blades can cut through diamonds. But Dragonfly's ace in the hole...?
Dragonfly: I'm not wearing any diamonds.
- Composite Character: Lance fills the roles of both Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Rick being tricked into attacking the Dalai Lama, and the fight that ensues.
- Dolled-Up Installment: Inverted. Apparently the script began life as Scary Movie 4, but got turned into its own film after the producers realised they weren't actually spoofing any horror flicks.
- Embarrassing Cover Up
- Farts on Fire: Rick and his girlfriend attempt to have a meaningful conversation by candlelight. Too bad Rick's sleeping aunt keeps farting...
- Jerk Jock: Lance
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Rick seems to do this a lot. his parents deaths included.
- Oh Crap: Resulting in this PG-13 movie's Precision F-Strike.
- Vomit Discretion Shot: The Hourglass. But at least he gets one, unlike...
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Rick. And he ends up feeding the fishes with it.
- Your Costume Needs Work: Done to Rick by a Hollywood Nerd at the Hero-Con.