< Super Gender Bender
Super Gender Bender/Playing With
Basic Trope: When receiving super powers, a character goes through a Gender Bender event.
- Straight: Mike receives super powers, but becomes Michelle afterward.
- Exaggerated: The average-Joe Mike receive super powers, but become the world's-most-desired-woman Michelle afterward. Yay!
- Downplayed: Mike receives super powers, which side effect turns him androgynous.
- Justified: Those who can bear these superpowers are Always Female (like Valkyries.)
- The Green Rock that effects this power also floods the body with female / male hormones, potentially turning its user into becoming the opposite sex.
- Inverted: Mike loses his powers when a spell turns him into Michelle.
- Subverted: It's told that the powers Mike is about to receive will change his gender, but after receiving them, he is still a boy...
- Double Subverted: The gender alteration was a delayed effect.
- "Mike" was already Michelle in disguise. Mike didn't appear to change, but he/she is no longer wearing a disguise.
- Parodied: Mike gains powers after a perfectly mundane (if easy) sexual reassignment surgery Gone Horribly Wrong.
- Deconstructed: Michelle has to deal with suddenly becoming a girl, and all the troubles that comes with it (ID, social security, social issues, hormones, periods...), as well as all the troubles that comes with being a Superhero.
- Reconstructed: While these issues are stressful at first, Michelle manages to adjust and come to term with her new body.
- Michelle has some trouble adjusting to her new gender, but it's relatively minor. adjusting to being responsible for the safety of the world, on the other hand, takes a heavier toll... And one that wouldn't be any easier if there were no gender-bending involved.
- Zig Zagged: Michelle/Mike keeps changing back and forth between her/his female and male forms, getting different superpowers for each form.
- Averted: No one change gender upon receiving powers.
- Enforced: Michelle is an Wish Fulfillment made by an author with Transsexualism tendencies.
- Lampshaded: "I received new powers and became a girl. Go figure."
- "Look at you... Blessed with power and beauty, and still you find a reason to complain!"
- Invoked: An aspiring Transsexualism person seeks an Enigmatic Empowering Entity that to bestow upon him/her exactly this kind of power. Double profit!
- Exploited: Michelle starts dating one of his lesbian classmates/workmates/other.
- Defied: Mike has a super power that turns him into a girl if overused, he makes sure to never cross that limit.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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