Sumo Cyco
Sumo Cyco is a four-piece rock band from Ontario, Canada. Its members are: Sever (Skye Sweetnam) on vocals, M.D. (Matt Drake) on guitar and back-up vocals, Thor (Ken Thor Corke) on bass and Legs (Ryan Kerry Leger) on drums.
Sumo Cyco provides examples of the following tropes:
- All Just a Dream: The ending to "Limp"'s video.
- And Then John Was a Zombie: The ending to the "Danger" video.
- Darker and Edgier: Sever's real name is Skye Sweetnam.You may know her for songs like this
- Electro Torture: "Danger" video.
- Epic Riff: Quite a few.
- Face of the Band: Sever.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Sever,again.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Sever wears a leather dress in "Danger"
- I Want To Be Song: "Who Do You Want To Be"
- Intercourse with You: "Mercy"
- Metal Scream / Harsh Vocals: Sever usually utilizes thse during the bridge of songs.
- Monster Clown: Three of them in the video for "Interceptor".
- Mood Whiplash: "Who Do You Want To Be" is pretty ska-ish and much less heavy than their other songs.
- Myspeld Rökband
- Night Nurse: Sever is dressed as one at the beginning of the "Limp" video.
- Our Zombies Are Different: "Limp" and its accompanying video.
- Precision F-Strike: "Life can get so fucking boring" in "Limp" and "please be like no other fucker" in "Danger".
- Stage Names
- Talky Bookends: "Interceptor" has the most glaring example. The song is about 3 minutes long, but the video is at least 7 minutes.
- Soprano and Gravel: Sever is a one-woman version.
- Three Minutes of Writhing: The video for "Mercy"
- Wholesome Crossdresser: "Who Do You Want To Be" contains the line "I might just cross the other line,and walk around in drag".
- Zettai Ryouiki: Sever rocks grade A in "Limp" and "Mercy".
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