Suki: A Like Story

"I like you, that's why I like you."
A three-volume Manga by the powerhouse CLAMP, it follows the story of a Pollyanna named Hinata Asahi (nicknamed Hina). Living in a bare house, all alone except for two teddy bears, she is excited when Stern Teacher Shirou Asou moves in next door. What begins as a simple 'like story' (as opposed to a 'love story') slowly turns sinister as the reasons for Shirou's interest in her grows clear...
Tropes used in Suki: A Like Story include:
- Bodyguard Crush
- Book Dumb: Subverted; Hinata is amazingly intelligent, just... severely lacking in common sense.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Hina
- Deal with the Devil
- Easily Forgiven
- Face Heel Turn: Somewhat subverted.
- Fighting Your Friend
- Friendship Moment: Hina with Touko; Hina with Emi.
- Hostage Situation
- Loan Shark
- Lonely Rich Kid: Subverted in that Hina is nearly always amazingly (and honestly) cheerful.
- Look Both Ways: Averted in that the car was intentionally attempting to run Hina down.
- Mayfly-December Romance
- Mysterious Past
- Nakama
- Parental Abandonment
- Plug N Play Friends: Emi with Hina and Touko, before the beginning of the story.
- Rousseau Was Right: To an extent.
- Stalker with a Crush: What Touko believes Shirou to be.
- Teen Genius: Hina, as well as Touko.
- Yakuza
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