< Street Fighter Alpha

Street Fighter Alpha/Awesome

  • Dhalsim gets a massive CMOA in Alpha 3 via destroying the Psycho Drive via sheer willpower and focused meditation. Earlier on he also had a minor one via snapping Cammy out of her Brainwashed and Crazy state, triggering her recovery of her true self and her Heel Face Turn.
  • In the portable version of Alpha 3, we also have Yun telling Bison to shut it after he tells him to kill an injured Feilong and join Shadaloo.
  • What about Sakura pulling a Go Through Me to protect the collapsed Ryu from Bison? It didn't really work at the moment, but it did snap Ryu otta being Brainwashed and Crazy. 'Sides, it's a Plucky Girl who's already weakened and injured, against the Big Bad who has just been empowered. That takes balls, em, boobs.
    • And then we have Karin using her family's Kill Sat to destroy the Psycho Drive. And doing so via talking to the operators through her cellphone. Funny and badass.
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