< Street Fighter (film)

Street Fighter (film)/Funny

  • Zangief: "You got... PAID?"
    • "Quick! Change the channel!"
      • It's the very slow Double Take that causes the laughs, though.
    • Also from Zangief: After Bison's narm-filled speech about the new world he's going to build, Zangief tearily says "That was beautiful". Dee-Jay then gives him a look that clearly shows how stupid he thinks his comrade is.
    • Zangief's delivery as he holds open the only exit from Bison's exploding base:

Zangief: (as earnest as a small child) Quickly, this way!

  • On learning that Guile is "dead."

Dee Jay: (excitedly) That's GREAT news, General! Congratulations!
Bison: On the contrary, I mourn.

Dee Jay: (not even remotely interested) Okay...

  • This exchange:

Ken: I'm sorry I got you into this.
Ryu: I'm sorry I listened.

  • When Dee Jay attempts to escape from Shadaloo with a chest full of money and almost gets spotted:

Dee Jay: Oh, mon, I should have stayed at Microsoft!

    • Earlier, when the AN begins storming Bison's fortress, the General starts giving a speech to Dee Jay about facing defeat together. Dee Jay, standing behind him, gives a look that clearly states "Bitch say what?" before quickly sneaking away while Bison keeps talking. It really has to be seen for the full effect.
      • What makes it even better is that at some point during this, there's a gunshot and a scream somewhere behind them; Dee Jay casually looks in that direction, and then decides to get the hell out of there.
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