< Straw Man Has a Point

Straw Man Has a Point/Web Comics

Examples of Straw Man Has a Point in Web Comics include:

  • This Subnormality comic was probably intended as a massive Take That to professional sports, but it ruins it by making Brian the Brain seem like a whiny elitist and the other two characters intelligent guys who just enjoy turning him off and relaxing every now and then. In fact, "Take a break from intellectualism every now and then" is probably a better moral than "Watching sports will make you an idiot misogynistic racist homophobic criminal". It's just as easy to take the comic as intentionally arguing the former moral, rather than the latter. Rowntree himself commented that it could be interpreted either way, and the comic is meant to point out the "cognitive dissonance regarding hockey in particular".
  • This Dinosaur Comics strip. Granted, it's not really clear that we're supposed to side with Utahraptor, but given that he is fairly consistently depicted as being smarter and more reasonable than T-Rex, having him argue a point which essentially boils down to "Hitler Ate Sugar" is somewhat jarring. On the other hand, it's also entirely likely that Utahraptor could simply be teasing him.
  • In Jay Naylor's comic Original Life, the small girl Angelica was created as a strawman into which Naylor stuffed everything he hated, from politics to spirituality to musical taste. She's also widely considered the most likeable and sympathetic character in the strip since she seems to be one of the few characters that doesn't act like a complete Jerkass to everyone around her. For five months, she's been waging a campaign against the strip's Objectivist protagonists, and most reader reaction is rooting for her.
  • In the Sonichu webcomic, several trolls are on trial for murdering a character. The trial is quickly derailed to have more to do about their respective webcomics, and one of the characters, stoned off his mind, complains about the author's lack of work ethic. There are several tirades about letting the author write as he wants, but the stoner was right. Not updating can be a serious detriment to the success of any franchise. Sadly, this was played dead serious (literally, as this was used as evidence for their executions), rather than lampshading the hell about the absurdity of it all.
  • Girl Genius had it Played for Laughs in side story "Small Problems", over Othar's Spark-killing obsession (of course, Othar himself acts crazier than a drunk fruitbat half of the time, and e.g. in another side story thinks some guy known only to invent a new water filter have to die):

Squibbs: Let me see if I understand this. He thinks that all the problems in Europa - are caused by the Mad Scientists who build all the monsters.
Squibbs: The Mad Scientists who vie with each other to see who can be the first to turn the population into wombat bats or clam people or stylish furniture.
Squibbs: The raving lunatics who set off life-sized chocolate volcanoes and unleash flash floods of porridge upon innocent villages.
Squibbs: Othar wants to destroy these people and you think he's insane?!
Agatha: Yes... and he wants me to be his sidekick! Can you believe it?
Squibbs: Ah.

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