Star Wars: Dark Forces/YMMV

  • Better Than Canon: Kyle fanboys consider the dark side ending for Jedi Knight to be a gMomentOfAwesome, though they understand why it cannot be canon.
  • Canon Sue: Kyle is a Badass Genre Savvy Deadpan Snarker who mows down trained soldiers by the hundreds single-handedly before beating the crap out of Boba Fett and a Kell dragon and becoming a Jedi. No-one is bothered by this, though, since he's the player character and it's fun to be a Canon Sue!
    • See also: God, which is just another name for Kyle.
  • Complete Monster: Maw holds the record; see quote below.

"I had the pleasure of cutting off your father's head and THRUSTING IT ON A SPIKE FOR ALL TO SEE!"

    • Desann and Tavion, as well. Both are ruthless, murderous, and completely devoid of sympathy or humanizing traits.
  • Demonic Spiders: Hazard Troopers without certain Force powers, AT-STs when lacking your own walker or fixed gun. DEMP 2's and Force Lightning above level 1 also help if you have neither of the former two.
    • Also, the Reborn in Outcast, especially since the duels with them are pretty much a Luck-Based Mission. Shadowtroopers are even worse.
    • Rodian snipers in both Outcast and Academy, particularly on high difficulties when they can kill you in a few hits (with near-100% accuracy and able to fire multiple shots at a time, no less).
    • Jedi Knight includes the above mentioned AT-ST and also organic, dangerous enemies like the Kell Dragons, the Drugons and also the Trandoshan's guards, armed with concussion rifles.
    • In Mysteries of the Sith, basically every enemy on Dromund Kaas and in the Dark Force Temple are basically this. The fact that your weapons malfunction (except for the lightsaber) doesn't help.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Sariss and Tavion.
  • Game Breaker: Once you max out Force Grip, you can use it to drop all but the most powerful of dark Jedi off a cliff or throw them into the air fast and high enough to kill them, allowing you to instantly kill the only enemies that stand a chance against you. Instantly, that is, once you do get it right, since Dark Jedi are very quick to use Push to escape.
    • In Jedi Outcast, the force speed power, which has the net effect of slowing the rest of the world down. With nothing but max-level force speed and a lightsaber, the final battle with Desann can be ended in less than ten seconds without him ever landing a blow.
    • Also Dark Rage in Jedi Academy; it makes you completely invincible, faster, and makes you cause more damage. At level one and two it's (very) slightly balanced by the fact it takes pretty much all your health to use (but it can't kill you in itself), at level 3 it only takes twenty health each use (force heal makes this easily recoverable between fights) and lasts more than long enough to destroy almost anything but the toughest of enemies (the only drawback being that there's a somewhat long delay before it can be recast if it does run out).
    • Maxed out Mind Trick can turn any non-jedi enemy (besides bosses of course) to your side. Which means those annoying Jet-Pack soldiers with concussion rifles that take two or three rockets to kill can just be turned against each other. In fact, maxing out Force Grip and Mind Trick makes the entire game a complete breeze.
  • Goddamned Bats:
    • In Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, the remotes.
    • In Mysteries of the Sith, Mailocs.
    • In Outcast, the mine crabs on Artus Prime.
    • And in Academy, Rocket Stormtroopers (the ones with the jetpacks).
    • Don't forget thost damned Gran and their thermal detonators. They appear throughout the series, but they're most annoying in Outcast, where they come in packs.
  • Good Bad Bugs: In Academy, if you fall into lava in a certain level, you will quickly die, whether you have god mode active or not. If you use the "undying" cheat repeatedly (sets your HP to 999 every odd (first, third, etc.) time you use it), you will eventually notice that unlike in water, you don't make choking noises. In other words, you can breathe lava. It just melts you too fast to let you.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The dianogas in the 3rd level of Dark Forces.
  • Memetic Badass: Kyle Katarn made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs. On foot.
  • Narm Charm: Most of the live-action cut scenes in Jedi Knight.
  • The Scrappy: Rosh: his personality and carelessness, among other things--such as the fact that the path to the dark side is to kill him--show that he may have been designed to intentionally invoke the trope. Runs into Alas, Poor Scrappy in the dark side ending, his death scene is oddly affecting.
  • That One Boss: Desann at the end of Outcast (See The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard). Marka Ragnos at the end of Academy is also an insane fight if you don't have Force Absorb, due to his tendency to spam Level 3 Force Drain and Force Lightning, and his ability to heal himself to nearly full health a total of 4 times.
  • That One Level: Dark Forces had Jabba's ship, a.k.a. the one where you have to punch Kell Dragons to death before they eat you. Jedi Outcast's arbitrary stealth mission certainly counts, though any level prior to receiving the lightsaber could apply.
    • Ironically, the pre-lightsaber levels become the most fun part of the game if the lightsaber is acquired early with cheats.
  • Title Confusion: See Colon Cancer on the main page.
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