Star Wars: Battlefront (series)/Tear Jerker

  • The opening cutscene of Star Wars Battlefront 2's Operation: Knightfall mission (about 0:17 to 0:56 here).
    • YMMV. Some waited so long to get the chance to destroy the Jedi. The hate flows through this troper when Jedi stab his poor troopers in back with their deadly sabers.
  • The spirits of our fallen brothers will sleep soundly tonight...
  • After Yavin:

"When the Death Star was destroyed, about half of the 501st Legion was still in the hanger getting into their ships. Of those who made it out, another third were caught in the explosion. I'd fought with some of those men for over twenty years. Afterwards, those of us that survived hooked up with a nearby Imperial fleet making a retaliatory strike on the Rebel's base on Yavin IV. It wasn't the best thought out plan, but we were cut off from our leaders, tired, and operating on instinct. If it wasn't for our training, we probably wouldn't have gotten past their orbital defenses."
"And so the battle over Yavin came to an end. I'm told we destroyed hundreds of Rebel ships that day. Even if it had been thousands, it wouldn't have made up for the Death Star."

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