Star Gladiator/Characters
Seeing that this is an obscure series, it needs your love.
The Star Gladiators
Hayato Kanzaki
The main protagonist of the series. A Japanese intergalactic bounty hunter who uses a Plasma Sword in battle. Hayato joins the Star Gladiator project in order to help out the female director of an orphanage in which he grew up in. During his battle against the Fourth Empire, Hayato is implanted with an unexpected genotype-altering microchip by Bilstein and through random occurances, this microchip forces Hayato to change into a cold-hearted and ruthless fighter named Black Hayato.
- Badass (Biker)
- Battle Couple: The boyfriend of June.
- Crossover: The only member of the Star Gladiator cast being playable in a Vs. title, in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Sadly, he'd be later Demoted to Extra and cameo in Tekkaman Blade's ending from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars. He is also appeared in the Heroes and Heralds card on Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Hayato has a scar above his right eye. Fortunately, his eyesight is fine.
- Laser Blade: His sword is a variation in which he can elongate it for a short period of time.
- Sword Beam: His Engetsu (Full Moon) and Rasetsu Zan (Justice Slash) Plasma Strikes. Also, when Hayato activates his Plasma Field, he can increase the power of his Plasma Sword and unleash crescent-shaped Pure Energy strikes.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Thanks to a genotype-altering microchip unknowingly implanted on Hayato by Blistein.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: Happens during Black Hayato's True Final Boss fight in Plasma Sword.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Split Personality Takeover: In Black Hayato's ending, he completely erases any trace of the original Hayato from his DNA.
June Lin Milliam
A British-Chinese gymnast who uses a Plasma Ring in battle. Upon learning that Bilstein was behind a specific lab accident that resulted in the "death" of her father, a scientist named Michael Milliam, June joins the Star Gladiator project in order to exact her revenge against Bilstein. During the course of the battle, June develops feelings for Hayato and this is evident when Hayato comes to June's aid in her own time of need.
- Action Girl
- Ass Kicks You: Her Plasma Strike ends by hitting her opponents with her butt.
- Battle Couple: The girlfriend of Hayato.
- Crossover: Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix/Pocket Fighter (two distinct background cameos; Chun-Li also cosplays as her); Capcom vs. SNK 2 (in the background of the Shanghai stage), Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (one of Hayato's Victory Poses), SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash (all three games), and Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam (Felicia's ending). Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Appeared in Hawkeye's and Deadpool's endings as well as presented in the Heroes and Heralds cards.)
- Expy: She's like the human Minnie Mouse, and her design and artwork gives her an impression of a mix of Chun-Li and Princess Leia.
- Fan Service: In particular, her second throw has a most... interesting way to throw down her opponents.
- Improbable Weapon User: She wields a plasma ring similar to what gymnasts use.
- Interrupted Suicide: Subverted. Hayato thought that she was going to kill herself with pills, but it was just cough medicine.
- Kick Chick
- Leotard of Power
- Rings of Death
- She Fu
- She's Got Legs: And she knows how to use them!
- Stepford Smiler: She appears cheerful and happy-go-lucky, but she hides her pain of having lost her parents at the hands of the Big Bad.
- Thigh-High Boots: Damn! [dead link]
- You Killed My Parents: Her reason of why she goes after Bilstein alone in Plasma Sword.
Saturn Dyer
A green-skinned cone-headed alien who uses a set of Plasma Yo-Yos. Saturn comes from a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy called Saturn (not the one known in Earth's Solar System) and that he's known throughout his homeworld as being a popular street performer. Upon coming to Earth in order to enjoy his personal hobby of theater, Saturn learns about the threat of the Fourth Empire and decides to join the Star Gladiator project in order to help Earth out and protect his own home planet at the same time.
- Captain Ersatz: He looks a bit like the Coneheads, only green-skinned. He is also a reference to The Mask (he can be heard yelling "Smokin'!" and "Somebody Stop Me!" in heavily accented English in his victory dances.)
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Crossover: One of Hayato's win poses in Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
- Dance Battler: One of his Plasma Strikes (called "Dance With Me") forces his opponent to dance along with him... only to receive a whack on the head once they are done!
- Fun Personified
- Improbable Weapon User: He uses oversized yo-yos to fight.
- Killer Yoyo
- Plucky Comic Relief
Gamof Gohgry
A brown-furred alien woodsman who uses a Plasma Axe in battle. Gamof hails from the forest planet of De Rosa in the Andromeda Galaxy and works as a noble lumberjack. When an unknown Earth microbe virus destroys most of De Rosa's forests, Gamof is forced to find a new line of work in order to support his family. Upon becoming a bounty hunter, Gamof meets up with Hayato and becomes good friends with him. When Gamof learns about the Star Gladiator project, he joins it with Hayato so that he can protect his home planet from the Fourth Empire.
- The Big Guy: As part of the Four Man Band of the Star Gladiators.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Friendly and good-hearted as they come, but don't try to threaten his friends, family or his home planet unless you feel like getting your bones snapped.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His (Super) Gamo Tornado special attack (Plasma Strike) and his Plasma Giant Swing Plasma Strike.
- Expy: Ammo belt across his torso? Check. Comes from an arboreal planet? Check. Big tall furry guy? Check! He's friends with a bounty hunter and also a family man? Double check! It's damn obvious he was based from Chewbacca. He also pulled a move or two from Zangief's moveset too.
- Gentle Giant
- Home Run Hitter: Gamof has the ability to throw the opponent up into the air and swing his weapon towards them like a baseball bat. Often, it depends on the timing of the player from within the attack itself and if it succeeds, Gamof can easily knock the opponent out of the fighting field. The first game would guarantee a ring-out victory while the second one would send the opponent flying into the sky (though they would come back down a few seconds later).
- Laser Axe
- The Unintelligible: Gamo, gamo-gamo!
- Wrestler in All of Us
Zelkin Fiskekrogen
A blue avian winged humanoid who uses a Plasma Claw in battle. Zelkin comes from the sky planet of Klondike in the Andromeda Galaxy and that he and his people value honor and bravery found in battle. Because of a past war between Earth and Klondike, Zelkin had developed an intense hatred towards Earth and its people. He had joined Bilstein's Fourth Empire in order to exact his vengeance against Earth, but soon realized that not all of Earth's people were evil. Eventually, Zelkin had defected from the Fourth Empire and joined up with Hayato and the other Star Gladiators so that he could atone for his mistakes and set things right.
- The Atoner: In Plasma Sword, he joins the Star Gladiators to atone for his service to Bilstein.
- Awesome McCoolname: One of the most badass names ever. Unless you happen to be Swedish, in which his last name ("Fiskekrogen") translates to "the fish pub."
- Blow You Away: In Star Gladiator, he can actually blow his opponent out of the arena for a ring-out victory. In Plasma Sword, he creates a cyclone to damage his foes.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy
- Fantastic Racism: Zelkin's reason for joining the Fourth Empire in the first game is due to his personal hatred of humans (on account that his people had engaged in a past war against Earth and afterward had faced prejudice and discrimination from the Earthlings). After fighting Hayato, Zelkin realized that not all humans are bad and eventually defected from the Fourth Empire so that he could join up with the Star Gladiators and atone for his mistakes.
- Heel Face Turn: After realizing that the Fourth Empire wasn't any better than the Earthlings that had harmed his people (in fact, the leader is even worse), he decides to defect to the Star Gladiators in order to stop Bilstein and atone for his past.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: See Worthy Opponent below.
- The Rival: Hayato. He then upgrades him to...
- Worthy Opponent: his ending in Plasma Sword, where he gives Hayato a feather from his head as a token of respect, as per the custom of his race.
- Winged Humanoid: His entire race.
Blood Barbarians
A young man of European descent who uses a Plasma Broadsword in battle. Because he holds the strongest amount of Plasma Power in his own body, Blood was kidnapped at a young age by Bilstein, who had killed his parents with no hesitation. Using a Plasma mind spell, Bilstein was able to turn Blood into his loyal fighter, having him eliminate any threat that came towards the Fourth Empire. However...Blood was freed from the spell when Bilstein was killed by Hayato during the Final Crusade and although he was able to regain his free will, Blood was disgusted to learn of what he had done while being under Bilstein's spell. Upon learning of Bilstein's unexpected return, Blood had joined the Star Gladiators in order to atone for his past actions and to find and eliminate Bilstein once and for all.
- Artificial Limbs: One of his arms has been replaced by a cybernetic hand, connected to his shoulder by what seems to be an electric current or force field of some sort. Apparently, it causes him much discomfort.
- The Atoner: Much like Zelkin, Blood also wants to repent for his actions durng his time as a Fourth Empire member (albeit when he more of a Brainwashed and Crazy pawn).
- Death Seeker: He plans to off himself after killing Bilstein, in order to redeem himself.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Blood's true ending in Plasma Sword has him stopping the nuclear reactor core explosion of the Fourth Empire's flying fortress through the use of his own Plasma power.
- Power Tattoo: Has the tattoo of a skull with a king's crown on his back.
- Time Stands Still: The effect of his Plasma Field.
A mysterious young girl who uses a Plasma Ring in combat. While having a kind and cheerful personality to those that meet her, Ele is determined to complete a specific mission, which is to find Bilstein's ghost and eliminate it as soon as possible so that a tragedy in the future doesn't come to pass.
- Crossover: One of Hayato's win poses in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, two of the SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash, and also in the same ending as June in Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam
- Fan Service: Much like June, Ele also has an interesting second throw.
- Fun Personified
- Genki Girl
- Kick Chick
- Kid From the Future: It's heavily implied in Plasma Sword that she's the daughter of Hayato and June, having traveled back in time from the distant future.
- Rings of Death
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: In a distant future, Ghost Bilstein had attacked Ele's home and killed her mother while her father's status remained unknown. To change this tragedy, Ele had traveled back into the past so that she could destroy Ghost Bilstein and prevent this from ever happening.
- She Fu
- She's Got Legs
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
A Japanese military war soldier who uses a Plasma Axe in battle. Though Gantetsu isn't the sharpest knife when it comes to strategy, he makes up for it with his tough determination and strength. Gantetsu is given a mission by his superiors to track down Franco Gerelt for his past war crimes and bring him into the custody of the Earth Federation.
- An Axe to Grind
- The Big Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Can't Hold His Liquor
- Everything's Better with Spinning
- Home Run Hitter
- Wrestler in All of Us
A modern-day superhero who uses a Plasma Blade in battle. Eagle was once a faux superhero at Gorakuem Amusement Park, but when Bilstein had started his universal conquest, Eagle had decided to become a real-life superhero and joined the Star Gladiators in order to help them out.
- Big Damn Heroes: Eagle's true ending in Plasma Sword has him saving the life of a young child from a rampaging Vector bot.
- Joke Character
- Jumped At the Call: Eagle started out as a faux superhero at an amusement park. Once Bilstein initiated his conquest of the universe, Eagle decided to become an actual hero and join the Star Gladiators.
- Justice Will Prevail: "Feel the punishment of the sky!"
- Shout-Out: His facial features strongly resemble those of Ken Masters, thus "Ken the Eagle"....
The Fourth Empire
Dr. Edward Bilstein
The main antagonist of the series. A cybernetic mad scientist who leads the Fourth Empire and uses a Plasma Broadsword in battle. Bilstein was once a prestigious physicist for the Earth Federation and was responsible for the discovery of Plasma Power, but it was soon discovered that Bilstein had used actual human bodies in his experiments and that he was exiled from Earth, being placed in a prison satellite that orbited Planet Zeta. Upon managing to break out from his prison, Bilstein, now in a cybernetic body, sought revenge against Earth and is determined to conquer it and the rest of the universe, using his dangerous "Fourth Empire" organization.
- Bad Boss: You wouldn't want to work for him, that's for certain.
- Big Bad
- The Empire: He is the leader of it.
- Emperor Scientist: He is a Mad Scientist who doubles as The Emperor of the Fourth Empire.
- For Science!: He almost makes Mayuri Kurotsuchi of Bleach look like a saint. ALMOST.
- Laser BFS
- Powered Armor
- Sword Beam: His Dark Vortex special move and Dark Vortex: End Plasma Strike.
Franco Gerelt
A Spanish matador who uses a Plasma Rapier in battle. Unlike most members of the Fourth Empire, Gerelt is a "forced ally" of Bilstein, who had kidnapped Gerelt's family and threatens to kill them unless Gerelt does exactly what Bilstein says. Making matters worse, Bilstein had also implanted a bomb inside Gerelt's chest and threatens to blow him up if Gerelt tries to rebel against him. While Gerelt reluctantly follows Bilstein's orders, he secretly seeks to overthrow him so that he can save himself and his family from Bilstein's evil hand.
- Apologetic Attacker: He comes to regret his actions when fighting for the Fourth Empire.
- Badass Spaniard
- Badass Mustache: And an elegant one at that.
- Defector From Decadence: He wants out of the Fourth Empire, but Bilstein has him on a short leash.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy: He wields a plasma rapier and is one of the top-ranking officers of the Fourth Empire.
- Explosive Leash: The reason of why Gerelt is a forced member of the Fourth Empire.
- Laser Rapier
- Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: Though he precedes Street Fighter III by a few months, he is Dudley with a ponytail and a plasma rapier.
- Parental Substitute: To Claire, though she may think of him more as a big brother or even a potential love interest.
- Punch Clock Villain: AND HOW! And it wasn't his choice to make, either.
An emotionless robot created by Bilstein who uses a Plasma Gun in battle. Vector's sole purpose is to eliminate any human it sees and that it won't stop until it completes its nefarious mission.
- Crossover: Appears in Roll's ending in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars, alongside Huitzil.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Both his Mega Horizonal Laser Plasma Strike and his Plasma Field Auto-Fire.
- Killer Robot
- Kill Sat: His Satellite Shoot Plasma Strike.
- Ray Gun
Gore Gajah
An Indonesian alien magician who uses a Plasma Mace in battle. Gore comes from a huge family who lives in Indonesia and that Gore himself is considered a role model to his many brothers and sisters. His family name, Gajah, has gained a reputation in Indonesia as it has been associated with the world of black magic, since Gore's father is a well-known Plasma wizard who performed many rituals and exorcism. To gain much knowledge about Plasma wizardry, Gore had joined Bilstein and the Fourth Empire so that he can attempt to learn much that is to know about the studies of Plasma Power itself.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Gore has the special ability to grow in size and crush his opponents, literally.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards Luca.
- Bubble Gun: The first game's Dokuyaku Sanpu special attack, though it's more of the poisonous type.
- The Dark Arts: Gore's backstory states that his father was well-known throughout most of Indonesia for his use of black magic spells and exorcism. Being a Plasma wizard himself, Gore is able to utilize many dark magic techhniques in his own state and opportunity.
- Magic Wand: His Plasma Mace.
- Sdrawkcab Name: In the Japanese version of Star Gladiator 2, some of his quotes, though translated into meaningful sentences, appear to be written in an alien language. However, when read backwards, they form "alternate" phrases such as "Shin no ending mitekureta?" ("Did you see the true ending?") and "Oppai, boyoyon, boyoyon....!" ("Boobs, boyoing, boyoing...!")
- Sickening Crunch: Aside from being a Plasma magician, Gore seems to also specialize in orthopedics, since most of his grab moves involves attacking or grabbing an opponent's limbs so that he can pull and snap it instantly. In fact, one of his special attacks involves having to lie down on the ground so that he can get close to the opponent, which would then enable him to grab their legs while shoving his right foot up towards their...private area so that he can intentionally snap it and the legs as well. Surprisingly, the attack itself is called Shindou Ryouhou (Vibration Treatment).
- The Starscream: Gore isn't exactly a "loyal" member of the Fourth Empire and that he seeks to overthrow Bilstein and take everything for himself.
- Taken for Granite: His Sosei Henkan special attack.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Ugly Guy to Luca's Hot Wife
Kappah Nosuke
A green-skinned turtle-like alien who uses a Plasma Spear in battle. Coming from the Planet Kappa in the Cygnus Galaxy, Kappah is a soldier for his planet's elite military army. Because Kappah and his race dislike peace and prefer war, his planet has had a falling out with Earth and many other planets during attemped negotiations. Bilstein had approached Kappah one day and told him that if he were to join up with the Fourth Empire, his planet would be given full protection from any outside threat. Kappah accepts Bilstein's deal and joins up with him and the rest of the Fourth Empire.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Kappah's whereabouts after the events of the first game is never explained and that he completely disappears, not being seen nor mentioned in Plasma Sword.
- Joke Character
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Kappah and his race are known for having a belligerent nature and that they despise peace, living only for war and fighting.
An alien royal prince who uses a set of Plasma Yo-Yos in battle. His full name is Prince Saturn Kuida-Ore the 3rd and that he's the royal prince of the Planet Saturn in the Andromeda Galaxy. He grew jealous of Saturn's popularity as a street performer and determined to prove that he's a much better one, he adopts the alias of "Prince" and joins up with the Fourth Empire so that he can get the chance to fight Saturn in his own given opportunity.
- Camp Gay: Several characters comment on his use of what he considers "elegant talk", triggering severe bouts of indignation on Prince's part.
- The Jester: If his costume is of any indication.
- Improbable Weapon User
- Killer Yoyo
- The Rival: To Saturn
- Warrior Prince: His full name is Prince Saturn Kuida-Ore the 3rd.
A Spanish female fencer who uses a Plasma Rapier in battle. Claire's reason for being a part of the Fourth Empire is shrouded in mystery, but it is speculated that something tragic had happened to her in the past and that she saw the Fourth Empire as a way of escaping her own personal pain.
- Awesome McCoolname: Scarlet Del Sol
- Lady of War
- Laser Rapier
- Powered Armor
- Redemption Equals Death: Claire's ending in Plasma Sword has her sacrificing herself to protect Gerelt from Luca's inner energy explosion. She then dies in his arms while musing on why she saved him.
- Undying Loyalty: To Bilstein and the Fourth Empire.
An artificial girl who uses a Plasma Mace in battle. She is Gore's fiancee/assistant and is devoted to him no matter what. Despite having a cheerful personality, Luca is very naive when it comes to the concepts of life and death and that she's unable to comprehend any action that differs from right and wrong.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Cute and Psycho: In her second ending, she kills Gore on a whim, then wonders if he stays quiet out of embarrassment.
- Magic Wand
- Sickening Crunch: Much like Gore, Luca also specializes in orthopedics, right down to the infamous attack.
- Skilled but Naive: As Gore's fiancee/assistant, Luca is able to use much of Gore's skills and techniques in battle, but the downside comes from the fact that Luca has no concept about life and death, killing other people as if it was a game.
- Shout-Out: To George Lucas, probably.
- Taken for Granite
- Tomato in the Mirror: When Bilstein tells Luca that she's nothing more than an artifical girl created by Gore, Luca inevitably snaps and falls into a dangerous Cute Psycho state.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Hot Wife to Gore's Ugly Guy
- Undying Loyalty: To Gore
- Yandere: She's madly in love with Gore and will do anything for him.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A cybernetic clone of Blood who uses a Plasma Broadsword in battle. Shaker has a psychotic personality and won't hesitate to rip apart anyone who gets in his way. In his spare time, Shaker loves to listen and play punk music.
- Artificial Limbs
- Cloning Blues
- Expy: Of Lord Raptor/Zabel Zarock: Ax Crazy, Laughably Evil, has grey skin, turns his limbs into oversized weapons, plays in a band....
- More Dakka: His Murderous Vulcan Plasma Strike converts his robotic arm into a gattling gun.
- Musical Assassin: While Shaker doesn't exactly have any musical special attacks, the fact that he kills on a daily basis while playing punk music and treating his battles like they were rock solo duels could have him qualify for this trope.
- Time Stands Still
Bilstein's daughter who uses a Plasma Scythe in battle. Rain is an ambitious person who seeks to prove herself as being a beautiful woman who is able to defeat anyone who tries to challenge her to a battle.
- An Ice Person: Her Plasma Field allows her to freeze her opponents with a simple weapon strike.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Crossover: In all three SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Dark Action Girl
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Even Hayato is surprised by this.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Pimped-Out Dress: With cleavage to boot.
- Rebellious Princess: Rain becomes this in her true ending.
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- Sinister Scythe: Her weapon of choice.
From Other Parties
A genetically-enhanced dinosaur who uses a Bone Club in battle. In truth, Rimgal is actually Michael Milliam: June's father who was experimented on by Bilstein, in which Bilstein had mixed his human DNA with dinosaur DNA. Rimgal is at war with his own self as he attempts to fight the inner feral beast that lurks within his own inner mind.
- Bad with the Bone
- Breath Weapon: He's able to unleash a short-range fire blast from his mouth.
- Downer Ending: To ensure that his inner feral beast doesn't get the chance to hurt his daughter and her friends, Rimgal kills himself by jumping off the top of the Fourth Empire flying fortress, plummeting to his death below.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Fighting From the Inside: Rimgal tries to fight the inner feral beast that lurks within the mind, but is unable to do so, leading to the inevitable Downer Ending.
- Was Once a Man: He used to be June's dad before Bilstein experimented on him.
A prototype robot who uses a Plasma Gun in battle. Omega was created by Bilstein as the prototype for the later Vector robot model and was eventually discarded after having too many emotions in its own circuits. Upon regaining its sentience, Omega learns that it has a "heart" and seeks to know on what it is before its current energy supply runs out.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His Mad Spin Burst Plasma Strike.
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Good Old Robot
- Ray Gun
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: The theme of his story.
Ghost Bilstein
The apparition of Bilstein's old cybernetic body who uses a Plasma Broadsword in battle. After Bilstein was killed by Hayato during the events of the Final Crusade, he was able to transcend his spirit into a new cybernetic body, leaving his old one behind. Somehow, Bilstein's old cybernetic body had gained a small portion of his conscience and was able to move without its previous host. It now seeks to find and kill Hayato, destroying everything that stands in its way.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: The final battle against him in the original Star Gladiator.
- Came Back Wrong: A subversion, the cybernetic shell left behind by Blistein after his defeat by Hayato. It gained some sentience and is now on a mindless rampage to find and kill Hayato. The real Blistein, now in a new body, finds this slightly amusing, as well as a minor annoyance.
- Crossover: In both Tekkaman Blade and Joe the Condor's endings in TvC: UAS.
- Laser BFS
- Powered Armor
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- True Final Boss: In order to get to him in Star Gladiator, the player must beat the game from within a specific amount of time. Doing this will take them to a special battle against a super-powered version of Bilstein. Defeating Ghost Bilstein gives you your character's true and good ending while losing to him gives you a bad ending.
A mysterious kunoichi (female ninja) who uses a Plasma Hammer in battle. Kaede is hired by the Earth Federation to hunt down and attack any Plasma wielder so that she can seal off their usage of Plasma Power.
- Drop the Hammer: She is the only one in the series with a large hammer.
- Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer
- Ninja
A white humanoid tiger ninja who uses a set of dual Plasma Claws. Byakko is given a mission by the Earth Federation to hunt down and eliminate any Plasma wielder who comes into his path. Despite his cold methods of fighting, Byakko is a noble warrior who fights while using a Zen-like nature.
A black humanoid tiger ninja who uses a set of dual Plasma Claws in battle. Unlike Byakko, Rai-on is more vicious and harsh when it comes to his mission and that he won't hesitate to complete it no matter what.
- Evil Twin: In regards to Byakko.
- Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer
- Wolverine Claws