< Spy Kids
Spy Kids/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene: The appearance of the "real Guy" (played by Elijah Wood) in the third movie. To clarify, he just suddenly shows up, gives an inspirational speech... then he gets severely curb-stomped, booting him out of the game. He is never talked about again.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: The credits song to the second movie. And the third. Oh god.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Gary Giggles. Invoked in-film by Carmen.
- Fridge Horror: So if Minion was going to replace all the world officials' kids with robots, what was he going to do with the originals?
- Fridge Logic: The children of the most important people in the world are all apparently the exact same age...
- Follow the Leader: Agent Cody Banks
- Ham and Cheese: Sylvester Stallone as The Toymaker in the third movie. He is clearly having the time of his life as a madman evil video game programmer who talks to holograms of himself as a hippie, a general and a mad scientist. Him sporadically shouting his dialogue helps.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The first scene of the first movie is Alexa Vega in a white nightgown, staring out the window. The same sort of scene that happens several years later.
- Also, in Game Over, Juni being referred to, within a video game, as "the Guy".
- And when the real "Guy" does show up, he dies almost instantly. Sounds about right.
- At the beginning, Juni has warts on his hands. Later on, the same actor stars in World's Greatest Dad, as a frequent masturbator. You know what they say...
- In 3D: Game Over, Juni at one point is controlling a giant yellow robot.
- Nightmare Fuel: The Fooglies and what they really are.
- Don't forget their song. Floop is a madman, help us, save us, Floop is a madman, help us, save us!
- Sequelitis: The second film and the third one.
- Special Effects Failure: The 3D in the third movie is very poorly done, barely resembling 3D at all.
- Toy Ship: Juni and Alexandra in the second film, and Juni and Demetra in the third film (with a Ship Tease of Juni and Gertie at the end, too). Carmen, who at least looked old enough to be interested in the opposite sex, only got an unreciprocated crush on Gary in the second film.
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