< Spy Kids

Spy Kids/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Scene: The appearance of the "real Guy" (played by Elijah Wood) in the third movie. To clarify, he just suddenly shows up, gives an inspirational speech... then he gets severely curb-stomped, booting him out of the game. He is never talked about again.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The credits song to the second movie. And the third. Oh god.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Gary Giggles. Invoked in-film by Carmen.
  • Fridge Horror: So if Minion was going to replace all the world officials' kids with robots, what was he going to do with the originals?
  • Fridge Logic: The children of the most important people in the world are all apparently the exact same age...
  • Follow the Leader: Agent Cody Banks
  • Ham and Cheese: Sylvester Stallone as The Toymaker in the third movie. He is clearly having the time of his life as a madman evil video game programmer who talks to holograms of himself as a hippie, a general and a mad scientist. Him sporadically shouting his dialogue helps.
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