< Spot of Tea
Spot of Tea/Playing With
Basic Trope: Brits love tea.
- Straight: Bob and Alice always take a cup of tea with their breakfast.
- Exaggerated: Bob and Alice are always seen with a cup of tea in hand. They get upset if they're running out.
- Downplayed: The series is a British soap. Most characters are seen drinking tea from a mug or offering a cup to their guests without any fanfare.
- Justified: Must Have Caffeine.
- Inverted: Alice and Bob are members of the Church Of Latter-Day Saints and swear off hot beverages.
- Subverted: Bob and Alice use a tea set on-screen... To brew coffee.
- Double Subverted: But only because they've ran out of tea.
- Deconstructed: Alice and Bob are living at the time of The British Empire, working for the British East India Company as it uses opium sales in China to fund tea purchasing.
- Reconstructed: They get their tea via a company which supports an anarchronistic version of Fairtrade.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: No one drinks any hot drinks on camera.
- Enforced: Bob and Alice are British. The writers had them drink tea to make it clear.
- Lampshaded: "Doesn't anyone in Britain drink coffee?"
- Invoked: Celia pretends to be British by drinking tea.
- Defied: Alice and Bob ask for coffee.
- Discussed: "Tea or coffee?", "Ahem, we are British you know."
- Conversed: "Of course they're British, they drink tea!"
- Played For Laughs: Alice and Bob drink insane amounts of tea and go out of their way to find some if they lose access to it.
- Played For Drama: The tea contains a specific combination of drugs to keep Alice and/or Bob functioning. When they lose it, everyone is in trouble.
Let's head back and 'ave a spot o' tea at the main trope, yeah, guv?
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