< Splatterhouse


  • 8.8: The reviews from most gaming magazines and websites.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Justified - the Mask wants to take revenge on the Corrupted for an eternity of slavery, so he summons them - and instead of putting them in Dr. West's super-bodies, the Mask traps them into a relatively weak body made up of the corpses of Rick's victims, forcing them to face an humiliating (but not total) defeat.
  • Critical Dissonance: Despite near-universally mixed reviews, the remake is regarded well by fans and is usually considered by gamers to be a pretty solid, but flawed, action game.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The metal soundtrack from the 2010 remake.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: The remake's Gorn is gleefully lampshaded by the Terror Mask, one quote in particular (paraphrasing):

Terror Mask: See, this is the type of shit that got us an M-Rating.

  • Cult Classic: Due to its controversy, the series was destined to become this in due time as it fell off the radar hard after the first installment. This makes the remake having a lot of color and heart into it that much more heartwarming.
  • Demonic Spiders: The fetuses in the sixth stage of the first game.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Biggy Man, the third boss of the first game; maybe because he's got CHAINSAWS FOR HANDS and because, without knowing the right tricks, he's a That One Boss.
    • He became so popular with fans that when the new Splatterhouse was announced, fans begged to have Biggy Man return - so Namco Bandai made it happen.
  • Excuse Plot: Demons kidnapped your girlfriend. Maim them. Slightly less so in the remake.
  • Freud Was Right: One of the monsters in the 2010 version, the Abhore has a huge, bloated right arm that leaks a.... weird fluid whenever it's swung around. Possibly lampshaded by the mask.
  • Game Breaker: In the remake, Rick can learn a grab move where he throws down a mook creature and rips its arm off. This will instakill non-boss foes and gives you a window of invulnerability to escape getting surrounded.
  • Goddamned Bats: There are many candidates, but the ghosts who possess you and scramble your controls have surely killed many a player, especially in one area which is filled with pits and other hazards.
    • From the 2010 game comes the Aegis: a tentacled horror that never attacks on his own, but makes all other monsters invincible, actively runs away from you and teleports away if you get too close, forcing you to use the shoulder tackle to pin him down. And since the thing LOVES to hang around exactly in the middle of enemy crowds...
    • The Blue Skeletons. They can slice off your arm in one slice, and kill you in two. And when you're unarmed they take forever to kill. And towards the end, they start coming in groups.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The Giant Boreworm in the third game. It's horrendous laugh will echo through your head for the rest of the game.
  • Narm:
    • From the remake: "No Rick, FUCK YOU." 200 years, and you're telling me you can't come up with a better come back?
  • Narm Charm: The new version goes for an incredibly schlocky B-movie feel, complete with a couple of narmy Big Nos from Jen.
  • Nausea Fuel: The games (especially the 2nd one) don't hold back with the gross imagery, so obviously not recommended for people with weak stomachs.
  • Player Punch: Frequently, especially in the third game.
  • So Okay It's Average: The 2010 game, when it's not bombarded with too much criticism, is generally considered this, the story received quite a lot of praise, however. It is, however, quite the love letter to the franchise, and has all three precursors of the main series as unlockables.
  • That One Boss: Biggy Man of the original game. Most people won't fault you for saving both shotguns in his stage for the boss fight. The remake lampshades the Biggy Man's status, although he isn't nearly as tough.
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