Rick Taylor
The main hero, an everyday man forced to wear the demonic Terror Mask to face the forces of evil and save his girlfriend and, in the third title, his son.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Badass: Especially in the remake.
- Body Horror: As his body actually shows damage he can often run around with missing chunks of flesh and exposed bones. And of course, the mask-induced transformation in all games.
- Celebrity Resemblance: In the remake, he looks kinda similar to one of the series' fans.
- Ink Suit Actor: His appearance is actually based off of one of the original composers, Howard Drossin.
- Gentle Giant: Of course, his drive to protect his loved ones is what makes him so badass.
- Healing Factor
- Hidden Depths: In the remake the Mask often states that Rick actually enjoys slaughtering and maiming around.
- Mask of Power
- Nice Guy: Thought in the Remake, the Mask insinuates that under all his niceness, Rick likes maiming and killing demons.
- One-Winged Angel: In the third game he can turn into Mutant Rick. In the Remake, he grows bone spikes and blades from all over his body.
- Super Strength
Terror Mask
An ancient mayan/aztec artifact of great power, which turns the user into a powerful warrior. The mask provides Rick the strength needed to complete his quest, but is quite sinister on his own and eventually tries to kill Rick and take over the world, but is destroyed. In the Remake the mask has a new personality, and wants to get revenge on the Corrupted for what they did to it.
- Ax Crazy: Especially in the remake.
- Artifact of Doom
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Will often reference past games and the player himself in the remake.
- Cluster F-Bomb: In the remake, he throws around curses like there's no tomorrow.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil All Along: In the original series.
- Jim Cummings: His voice in the remake.
- Noble Demon: In the remake.
- Revenge: Its main goal against The Corrupted.
- Specifically, he wants revenge both for enslaving him for eons, and killing all the people he had protected.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
Jennifer Willis
Rick's girlfriend, kidnapped by the evil forces of the House. She was turned into a monster and killed in the first game, brought back from hell in the second and saved again in the third. In the Remake Rick must save her from West, who wants to sacrifice her to the Corrupted.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Possessed Jennifer at the end of the remake.
- Damsel in Distress
- Identical Stranger: In the Remake, Dr. West choose her because she's identical to his deceased wife Leonora.
- MacGuffin Girl
- Ms. Fanservice: In the remake.
- Tragic Monster: In the first game.
Dr Henry West
A Mad Scientist and unseen owner of the West Mansion where the game takes place. In the Remake he kidnap Jen for a sacrifice to the Corrupted in order to resurrect his dead wife Leonora.
- Ascended Extra: In the remake.
- Big Bad: In the remake.
- Evil Old Folks: And much older than you think.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Subverted, he tried, but apparently human flesh wasn't of his taste.
- Large Ham: Especially as he descend in madness.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Mad Scientist
- Only a Flesh Wound: Near the end Rick rip out his arm in order to stop the sacrifice. He still doesn't seems too worried about his missing limb.
- The Unfought: In the original series, unless he was turned in the Hell Chaos. In the Remake as well.
Piggy Man (aka the Biggy Man)
The most popular monster in the game, is a large humanoid with chainsaws for hands that guards the mansion. In the Remake he's fought by Rick in the Meat Factory in the future New York.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: On each arm.
- Blind Idiot Translation: The reason why he became the "Biggy Man" in the 2010 version.
- The Brute
- Chainsaw Good
- The Faceless: Is covered by a sack. In the Remake it shows the eyes.
- Fat Bastard/Stout Strength: In the Remake.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: in the first game. The remake hints at his presence several times during the fourth level.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Rick kills him by ripping one of his blades and shoving it into his intestines.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Spell My Name with an "S": Piggy Man's name was mistranslated "Biggy Man" in Turbo Play's strategy guide for the TG16 version. The name "Biggy Man" was used in fansites to identify the character and the spelling eventually made its way in the 2010 version of Splatterhouse.
Hell Chaos
The final enemy in the first game, is a rotten giant who comes out of a grave to kill Rick near the end of the game. Is speculated that this monster is actually Dr West's mutated corpse.
- Chunky Updraft: Whenever he emerge from the ground, raining damaging stones on you.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Final Boss: Of the first game.
- Giant Hands of Doom: His only way to attack.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere
Ultimate Evil
An eldritch beast from the Void who was accidentaly released by Rick when he opened the portal. It's fought by Rick in the woods just outside of the Mueller Mansion.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Briefly appears when Rick opens the gate to the Void.
- Eldritch Abomination: Is a gargantuan mass of red corpses and heads with wings.
- Final Boss: Of the second game.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere
- Multiple Head Case
- One-Winged Angel: After suffering a certain amount of damage he'll remove all his heads and flesh to reveal an imp-like winged head.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
The Evil One
Leader of the demons of the Void, he's the Big Bad of the original series. In the third game he tries to use the Dark Stone to become invincible and conquer the world, but Rick crush his ambition.
- Big Bad: In the original series.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appears as an Advancing Wall of Doom in the second game, and becomes a boss in the next one.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Light Is Not Good: Is all shiny.
- Shock and Awe
The Overlord
The leader of the Corrupted, he's the first of them to step in the material realm. However the Mask force him to posess the various corpses of the weak enemies slaughtered along the way, allowing Rick to destroy it soundly. This backfires when the overlord's essence posess Jennifer.
- Bigger Bad: In the Remake
- Demonic Possession: He needs to inhabit bodies to that he can have a physical form.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Is Visceral
- Mook Maker: During his slow march, corpses of previous enemies will fall from his body and become alive.