Spared as a Messenger

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    You have Seen It a Million Times. Someone (typically an Anti-Hero, but happens to variety of types) demonstrates ability to massacre enemies without batting an eye. And then leaves one alive - so that he could relay a message to the boss. Whether said boss is inclined to Shoot the Messenger is another question.

    Playing with a Trope happens too, from the real reason being that the sender is less willing to kill than he shows, to the messenger not making it anyway.

    As a Death Trope, all Spoilers will be unmarked ahead. Beware.

    Examples of Spared as a Messenger include:


    • Doubly Subverted in Mulan. The Huns (lead by Shan-Yu) capture two scouts. Shan-Yu lets them both go, to tell the Imperial Army that the Huns are coming. Once they're out of earshot, Shan-Yu asks "How many men does it take to deliver a message?" The archer standing beside him draws his bow and aims ...
    • Natural Born Killers:

    Mallory: When you tell people what went on here, tell 'em Mickey and Mallory Knox did this. Understand?
    Pinball Cowboy: (nods)


    • In The Dark Elf Trilogy after a brief border skirmish deep gnomes Drizzt argued to let the surviving gnome go and tell his kin they got no chance there.

    Video Games

    • In Total War Shogun 2, in one of the motivational pre-battle speech cutscenes there is the line:

    When we are done, I want the Tokugawa to talk of this day for a hundred years! We must leave one alive to tell of our deeds!

    Web Comics

    a redcoat: b-but... you can't send a message if there are no survivors!
    Paul Revere: That's where you're wrong, pal. No survivors is the message.

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