Spanning Time
Spanning Time is a Fanfic by Gorsecloud that explores the world of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky through the eyes of Grovyle. The tale cuts between Flashbacks detailing his history and the 'here and now' smack in the middle of Explorers' plot, fleshing out the details and providing an interesting take on Grovyle's past.
The story may be found here, and is still ongoing.
Tropes used in Spanning Time include:
- Backstory
- Exact Eavesdropping - thanks to the Minion with an F In Evil.
- Fan Verse - Spanning Time has several (short) side stories, including No Room for Compassion, Berry Stains, and Nightmare in a Nightmare, among others.
- Fiery Redhead - Miranda. Literally.
- Fire-Forged Friends - Miranda and Grovyle, full stop.
- Fix Fic - Meant to fix the lack of any kind of significant emotional relationship between the hero and Grovyle.
- Genki Girl - Celebi, and Chlora to a lesser degree.
- Heroic BSOD - Miranda gets a brief one at the worst possible time upon Dusknoir revealing the truth about her origins in Chapter 5.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Miranda and Chlora
- His Story Repeats Itself - Pretty much the whole dang thing.
- How We Got Here
- Indy Ploy - Escape from Temporal Tower!
- In Medias Res
- Kid Hero - Miranda (and Chlora, though it's less obvious)
- Le Parkour - Chapter 5
- Meanwhile in the Future - Par for the course, considering the subject matter.
- Minion with an F In Evil - The Whiny Sableye
- Mooks - Sableye, though they also play Evil Minions when needed
- Elite Mooks - Sableye leader in Chapter 8
- Naive Newcomer - Surprisingly, Grovyle turns out to have been somewhat of this early on.
- Playing with Fire - Miranda
- The Pollyanna - Celebi
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner - "OI! It's PAYBACK time you jerks!"
- Screening the Call - Celebi indirectly when she first met Grovyle
- Shout-Out - Two subtle refrences, one to the ANI Fanfic Network (Buwaro's Tales of Flame, AerisAvalon's "Anomaly," and Rizu Komesu's Hoenn Chronicles) and another to ScytheRider's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance
- Why Couldn't You Be Different? - The main cause of Chlora's family issues.
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