Spah Verse
“Red Spah in the blue base!”—Wes, about Kurt Hummel
More formally known as The Dalton Boys Are Geeks, Spah Verse is the name of a Glee fanfiction written by Infrared Phaeton on LiveJournal. She started the series immediately after the airing of the episode "Never Been Kissed", setting it in the newly introduced Dalton Academy for Boys. The Spah Verse is popular on LiveJournal, both because it was one of the first major attempts to construct a three-dimensional Dalton after the short glimpse on the show and because it has a widely varied cast of interesting and intricately-crafted OC's. A masterlist can be found here.
Tropes used in Spah Verse include:
- Air Vent Passageway: Eric's favorite method of travel, both at Dalton and McKinley.
- All Gays Are Promiscuous: Not all of them, but Jim is very, very gay and very, very slutty.
- All There in the Manual: Infrared Phaeton has pages of character notes and backstories for even the most minor OC's and occasionally publishes excerpts.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Wes' little sister drives him crazy, despite being very much like him.
- Berserk Button: Do not hurt Jim, unless you want something broken, lit on fire, or both by Lee.
- Bifauxnen: Rachel Berry, evidently. At least according to Eric.
- Boarding School: Dalton is the setting of the stories, the majority of the time.
- Camp Gay: Surprisingly for a Glee fanfiction, Jim fills this role better than Kurt.
- Cast Full of Gay: It has been said that Melvin is the only straight boy at Dalton.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Lee is about the only guy Jim won't sleep with.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Eric, the creepy little ginger hobbit.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Liam has to make sure that Eric doesn't get into too much trouble.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Lee, to such an extent that there is a warning posted every time he appears in a chapter.
- Crazy Prepared: Eric comes equipped with maps and climbing harnesses, even while visiting another school.
- Cuddle Bug: Jim, when drunk.
- Cute Mute: Pratik may not be a true mute, but he'd rather play out his feelings in music than talk. He's also the most likely candidate for The Chick of his Four Man Band.
- Ethical Slut: Jim
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: Jim Bond is French. And sexy.
- Foreign Culture Fetish: Harry the anglophile. He is obsessed with British music at the expense of American.
- Forgets to Eat: Eric doesn't think about eating, and doesn't like to because "it makes him sleepy."
- Friend Versus Lover: Lee does not like Jim's choice in men.
- Game Master: Gary, though his type is as of yet unknown.
- Gayborhood: Dalton Academy. See Cast Full of Gay.
- Gay Moment: David thinks Kurt has a nice ass. Averted, since David is secure enough in his sexuality to not care when Wes points out what he just said, to the disappointment of Wes and David shippers everywhere.
- Girlfriend In Alaska: Averted. David's girlfriend has been in Alaska for a really long time, but she is probably not made up.
- Going Commando: Jim, apparently most of the time.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: This trope is so prevalent that it is lampshaded in Gary, who has eight friends that he is all equally as close to. Many readers will choose to ignore the heterosexual part of this trope for certain pairs.
- Horrible Judge of Character: Jim really needs to be more careful when choosing boyfriends.
- I Am What I Am: Jim doesn't let anyone tell him he's wrong.
- I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship: Jim's excuse for not dating Lee.
- It's All About Me: It's all about Eric.
- Jerk Jock: Averted with Liam, despite Blaine's fears when they first meet.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lee swears worse than a sailor, hates just about everyone, and is a pyromaniac. On the other hand, he is fiercely loyal to those few people he doesn't hate, especially Jim.
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: Part of the reason for Jim's promiscuity.
- Love Hurts: Poor, poor Lee.
- Love Makes You Crazy: Lee, who is already angry at the world, will seriously hurt anyone who crosses Jim, because he's in love with him.
- Lust Object: Jim is this for almost everyone.
- Make-Out Point:
- The art supply closet.
- The "Makeout Couch" which is constantly lampshaded in the series.
"'It's not our fault they chose that couch!' David said hotly, still whispering.
'Please. That's the make out couch. Everyone knows that,' Liam rolled his eyes."
- Master of the Mixed Message: Jim, to the point that it's downright cruel to Lee.
- Mistaken for Gay: Eric, when he is an exchange student at McKinley. It doesn't help that he refers to Liam as his boyfriend.
- The Nicknamer: Jim, in a big way. Sweet Thing, Kitten, Muppet, Sugarlips, Muffin, is there anyone he can't come up with one for?
- No Social Skills: Eric.
- Odd Couple: Liam is quite possibly the most objectively normal of the OC's, while Eric is the least. Naturally, they are best friends.
- Out of Character: Wes and David are nothing like their canon counterparts, but the story started being written before they really had characters.
- Really Gets Around: Jim
- Sexy Discretion Shot / Fade to Black: Infraredphaeton has perfected what her fans call "implied porn" to the point that she could probably teach a master class on it.
- Shout-Out: Many, from Monty Python's Flying Circus to James Bond. The most commonly accepted title for the series is a Shout-Out to Team Fortress 2.
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: Harry and Pratik in the drabbles.
- The Silent Bob: Pratik, who mostly speaks through song lyrics, gestures, and facial expressions.
- Sleeps with Everyone but You: Lee is almost the only boy that Jim hasn't at least made out with, and probably the only one that he refuses to.
- Stalker with a Crush: Eric, to Rachel.
- Stripperific: Jim's clothes are kind of... revealing.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: Eric again, as he evidently does not need air to live, instead living off of showtunes and rage.
- Triplet Foursome Fantasy: Jim/Morrigan triplets.
- The Twink: Jim
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Kurt and Blaine. This continues even after Blaine asks Kurt to be his boyfriend. Despite having been on over ten dates, the two still haven't kissed. Your Mileage May Vary, but most of the Heterosexual Life Partnerships will have at least one fan who sees this in them.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Jim just doesn't like shirts.
- Wholesome Fifties Guy: Blaine, who dates like he's stuck in the fifties. It should be noted that the second, more sexual aspect of this trope has yet to exist anywhere outside of Kurt's hopes.
- Word of Dante: The original story has never portrayed Harry and Pratik as anything other than friends. This has not stopped readers from asking everything from whether they're in love to whether they're already dating after a different author wrote a story about the two OC's as a case of Single-Target Sexuality.
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