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  • In the final episode, whilst trying to find Marsha, Daisy sees Colin the dog wandering through a hole in the fence. She tells the other characters, leading to the following exchange.

Tim: Daisy, let's go!
Daisy: What about Colin?
Tim: [impatiently] Sod Colin!
Daisy: [shocked] I'm not gonna sod Colin!

  • All the Star Wars stuff in "Change", but particularly...

Tim: Jar-Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like fucking Shaft!

  • Everything in this list. Drowning Lara Croft; the male psyche's psychic connection when it comes to slow-motion gunfights; "butterfly with a bomb" (and also "I'm Andy McNab, I'm Andy McNab, I'm Andie MacDowell...")...
  • "Babylon 5's a big pile of shit!"
    • "Eeeeeeyyyy!"
  • Tim and Daisy's argument via the medium of Tekken.
  • "Is Jabba the princess?"
  • Mike fantasising a very gung-ho method of infiltrating the Dark Star Comics offices. Only lasts two seconds, but it's one of the best Matrix parodies ever... perhaps because it's so short.
    • I think what really helps is the utterly hilarious bog-eyed look Mike has once the fantasy cuts back to reality.
  • "I once punched a bloke out for saying that Hawk The Slayer was rubbish... (...) but that's not the point, Tim. The point is, I was defending the fantasy genre with terminal intensity, when what I should have said is 'Dad, you're right, but let's give Krull a try and we'll discuss it later.'"
  • How about the time that Tim and Daisy talk about which Scooby Doo characters they were when they were young?

Daisy: I was always Daphne when I was little. Who were you?
Tim: Freddie, obviously.
Daisy: Yeah. Now, look at us. [Slow pull back, revealing Tim and Daisy dressed exactly like Velma and Shaggy.]

  • Tim's line and reactions from outside the restaurant in the penultimate episode:

Tim: We've potentially destroyed her faith in the integrity of today's youth... [Everyone stares at Tim rather sceptically] ...Young Adults.

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