< Southland Tales

Southland Tales/Fridge

  • Southland Tales is one of those movies that unfolds and unfolds and unfolds. But as soon as the end credits started, I immediately realized what it all meant... well, what I think it all meant. The main character being the Antichrist, who is killed as he almost ascends to godhood with the help of Fluid Karma, thus making the whole "dethrone God" thing completely literal. Then I went out to the car and sat there while my girlfriend had a cigarette, playing it all over in my head, and suddenly realized that within the Apocalypse symbolism, Krysta Now is the Whore of Babylon, making it even more brilliant. Assuming that any of that is true.
  • Dwayne Johnson plays a nerdy action movie star because he sort of is a nerdy action movie star.
  • Had a sudden thought while reading the Southland Tales graphic novel. Zora mentions that Ronald's name is an anagram of his brother's name, Roland. I thought take away the l and the n from both names and you have two Roads. Though I'm not sure which is the one less travelled.
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