Soul Eater/Characters/Death Scythes
Expect lots of Badass Tropes.
Beware of Unmarked Spoilers!
Spirit Albarn
Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa (JP), Hiroaki Hirata (JP - CD dramas), Vic Mignogna (EN)
He is the Shinigami's current weapon and Maka's estranged but affectionate father. Maka's mother was his former meister, but she divorced him due to his constant flirting with other women.
- Adult Child
- Amazingly Embarrassing Dad
- Berserk Button: If there's something he hates, it's child abuse: for all of his faults as a husband, he truly wants to be a good dad. When Medusa gloats about her horrible treatment of Crona, Spirit is angry. VERY ANGRY.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Is daft and flirtatious, but is also the Shinigami's Weapon and his ability is demonstrated, if only on a couple of occasions. Marie mentions his expertise in soul wavelength control in the same sentence she points out his womanising.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: Wears a tie the shape of a cross, had a similar design on his clothing as a child, which match his black, occasionally cross-shaped Weapon form.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Doting Parent: He is a doting father who really tries his very best for Maka. Unfortunately, while a doting father, he is a terrible husband.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": He is sometimes called by just his title, Death Scythe - which may or may not seem more meaningful when you consider that he's the only real scythe in weapon form.
- Not anymore.
- Handsome Lech
- Hot Shoujo Dad
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Though not quite lovable enough to stop his wife from divorcing him.
- Morality Chain: To Stein, especially when they were students.
- Odd Friendship: He and Shinigami annoy one another quite frequently, but he does seem to care about his meister (e.g the Sanzu Lines business) and his role as Death Scythe. His friendship with Stein is also odd, but for other less-pleasant reasons.
- Over-Enthusiastic Parents
- Overprotective Dad
- Redheaded Hero
- Simple Yet Awesome: His incredibly precise control over his wavelength allows Spirit to toss himself to anyone, even a Red Shirt, and help them wield him like a pro. Have him jump around a battlefield to where he's needed, and suddenly the Redshirt Army becomes a Badass Army.
- Sinister Scythe
- Talking Weapon
- "Way Cool, Dad" Guy: Inverted. He constantly tries to be an admirable father-figure to Maka and seeks her approval, but she ain't buying it.
Justin Law
Voiced by: Yorinoshi Fujita (JP), Eric Vale (EN)
The Death Scythe in charge of Europe. His weapon form, the guillotine, fits his title of "executioner". He's usually seen wearing priestly garb and a pair of headphones that he keeps on at high volume. In the manga he turns out to have been a spy for Noah and the Kishin, much to the shock of his former colleagues.
- Art Shift: Since his Face Heel Turn, the panels depicting him have grown steadily more warped and twisted.
- Ax Crazy
- Blond Guys Are Evil: And so is Justin.
- Blue Eyes
- Child Prodigy: Attained Death Scythe status as a thirteen year old, without the help of a meister to boot.
- Church Militant
- The Dragon: Has effectively become one for Kishin Asura.
- Evil Feels Good: He consider being Asura's Dragon is a pleasant life.
- Evil Makes You Ugly
- Headphones Equal Isolation
- Face Heel Turn
- Improbable Age/Teen Genius: He became a Death Scythe at age 13, the youngest in Shibusen's history.
- Improbable Weapon: Why is he the only Death Scythe who graduated without a partner? Probably because no one figured out how they were supposed to wield a guillotine.
- Knight Templar
- Loners Are Freaks: He constantly isolated himself even as a child, and uses his headphones, speakers, and other noise to cut himself off from the world.
- Loves the Sound of Screaming: He only willingly takes off his earphones because of this.
- Madness Makeover: Especially when he fuses with the Clown.
- The Mole: Manga only.
- Psycho Supporter: He is fanatically devoted to Asura, who he worship because he is the God of Fear and Madness.
- Reading Lips: Which is good, considering his headphones.
- Scars Are Forever: The scar he got when Tezca Tlipoca burned off half his face has stayed the same since it happened. Not particularly notable since that sounds reasonable, except for the fact that his eye has apparently been on fire since it happened.
- Slasher Smile: He's relatively low-key until Chapter 69, when he starts busting out grins that threaten to split his head in half.
- Stay in the Kitchen: He shows a bit of a misogynist streak in one of his later appearances, though Marie quickly reminds him who he's dealing with.
- Talking Weapon
- This Is Your Brain on Evil: The longer he stays on Asura side, the crazier he goes. By the time of his fight with Tezca Tlipoca, he's starts slipping into complete, incoherent raving madness. Then again, working for the embodiment of insanity can't be mentally healthy.
Marie Mjolnir
Voiced by: Chieko Honda (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (US)
The Death Scythe in charge of Oceania. Her weapon form is that of a large hammer, and her last name is derived from the legendary hammer of Thor, Mjolnir. She wears an eyepatch with a thunderbolt insignia.
- Adult Child
- Christmas Cake: She's so desperate for commitment that at one point she tried to marry a toilet.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Again, tried to marry a toilet.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Curb Stomp Battle: With Stein, against Justin Law.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Drop the Hammer: In the anime, Marie attacks as a hammer. But wielded by Stein, her weapon form becomes a tonfa.
- Expy: She bears a close resemblance in physical appearance to Nice Holystone from Baccano!, as far as having the same hair and eye color and sporting an eye patch. They even share the same voice actress, coincidentally.
- Eyes of Gold
- Eyepatch of Power
- Gainaxing
- Lightning Bruiser: In the manga she's this on her own. With her help, a compatible Meister can beat on someone so fast the victim doesn't even know what's happening to them.
- Meaningful Name: Even more so in the anime, where her form actually is a hammer.
- The manga instead emphasises the 'lightning' connection with her ability to allow her meister to move at extremely high speeds, and the 'internal generation' she uses to burn Medusa's snake. Her nickname, "the Crusher," also recalls the mythological hammer.
- Morality Chain: Chosen specifically to be Stein's weapon when fighting the Kishin for her healing wavelength.
- No Sense of Direction: She's a Shibusen alumnus and it takes hours of trial and error for her to get anywhere.
- Sensei-chan
- Ship Tease: With Stein.
- Silk Hiding Steel: An extremely goofy version, but an example nonetheless. Follows Shinigami's orders to a T (indeed one of the few that showed up when he called after Ashura got out) and is put in charge of quietly reigning in Stein's madness. As for the steel, well, her nickname is "Crushing Weapon."
- Talking Weapon
- Team Mom
Yumi Azusa
Voiced by: Yukana (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
The Death Scythe in charge of East Asia. She is bookish and analytical and is close friends with Marie. In weapon form she takes the form of a crossbow, able to fire high pressure spirit shots up to 10 km accurately. She is also an extremely competent information gatherer and tactician, easily finding one of Arachnophobia's labs.
- Cold Sniper
- Hot Librarian
- Meaningful Name: It's supposed to be a pun on the azusayumi, a type of Japanese bow (as in bow and arrow).
- Meganekko
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Perpetual Frowner
- Psychic Powers: She uses clairvoyance to scout enemy territories remotely.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: So scary, in fact, that Spirit and Shinigami himself get visibly frightened when her glasses become shiny.
- Specs of Awesome
- The Stoic
- Talking Weapon
Tezca Tlipoca
The Death Scythe in charge of South America, Tezca appears to be a man wearing a large grinning bear mask that completely covers his head. His Weapon form is a mirror, worn on the ankle of his Meister, Enrique.
- Alliterative Name
- Badass Creed: "Life and death are bestowed equally on all people. I'm a mirror in which a person is reflected. So, how you die is up to you..."
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Cloudcuckoolander: Snaps between this and his competent Badass persona in the blink of an eye. For example, after faking his death, he disguises himself by putting on a giant gopher head.
- Cool Mask: That is one freaky bear head.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Faking the Dead: Thought to have been unceremoniously bitten in half, but turns out he used a dummy to fake his death and track Justin Law. Justin Law later decapitated him and checked the body to make sure - the body was real, but Tezca's soul survived..
- The Fighting Narcissist: One of his stated motivations is to create a perfect copy of himself because he thinks he's very good-looking under the mask, but can't reflect himself.
- Implacable Man: First he's seemingly killed by Noah, then he really dies fighting Justin, and now he's appearing in mirrors as some kind of twisted ghost thing. His dialog during this last time seems to imply that he could just come back to life if he found a new body, and may have done so before.
- Killed Off for Real: Averted twice, though his physical body has been destroyed.
- Magic Mirror: He can taking on another's appearance, show his enemies how they're going to die, and create numerous, independent copies of himself, which can rejoin their bodies in unsettling ways when "killed".
- Mask of Power: Subverted; not only does the mask not seem to serve any purpose, but it also makes it impossible for lip-reader Justin Law to understand him. Since they were apparently old friends, this means Justin hung around him for years without catching a single word he said.
- Meaningful Name: "Tezcatlipoca" is the name of an Aztec god associated with mirrors. It literally means "Smoking Mirror" and the way it's separated, gives him his first name as "Mirror" in nahuatl.
- Not Quite Dead: Justin destroyed his body, but not his soul.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He doesn't seem too quick on the uptake and constantly jokes around during combat, but gets serious in a big hurry.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: The man who can make himself look like anybody, but wears a giant bear mask, disguises himself... by replacing the bear mask with a giant gopher mask.
- Scarily Competent Tracker: This seems to be his area of expertise, as we've seen him acting as an independent tracker several times now.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: Possibly. Justin and Medusa both see people they've wronged in the past while looking at him at least.
- Sympathetic Magic: After someone's soul is reflected in his mirror, he can track them wherever they go. He can even reflect his own soul, allowing it to exist after his body is destroyed.
- Talking Weapon
Soul Eater Evans
The newest Death Scythe, sworn in a short time after Justin went rogue.
Tsar Pushka
The Russian Death Scythe, also known as "Magic Bullet." Appears to be an Epic Flail type weapon.
- Badass Mustache
- Captain Ethnic
- Demon Slaying: One of only 3 characters in the series to be confirmed with the anti-demon wavelength. As noted by Medusa, he's particularly effective at fighting Crona as a result... up to a point.
- Gonk
- Made of Iron
- Meaningful Name: "Pushka" means "cannon" in Russian. "Tsar pushka" is the largest bombard by caliber ever built.
- Mighty Glacier
- Talking Weapon
- The Worf Effect
Ding Dinga
The Deathscythe in charge of Africa. His weapon form is called "Rainbow Axe."
- An Axe to Grind
- Attack Reflector: His Rainbow Axe seems to function as this in a way.
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Rainbow Motif
- Walking Shirtless Scene
The Deathscythe in charge of West Asia. His weapon form is a lamp.
- The Faceless
- Genie in a Bottle: Him performing Soul Resonance with his meister creates one.
- Heart Symbol: The attack called "The Lovers." Probably also an example of The Power of Love.
- No Shirt, Long Jacket
- Our Genies Are Different: His Jinn form.
- Tarot Motifs: His different forms are loosely based on this.
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