Sonic X/Funny
- In episode 11 of the Japanese version, Rouge's response to Topaz getting out the handcuffs is "So you're into S&M, huh?"
- Just about anything involving the Chaotix.
- In their first appearance, Charmy's attempts and ultimate failure to introduce himself before the commercial break.
- In the Japanese version, there's this line, also in their first appearance:
Espio: Change the scene and suddenly you know where Sonic is. Is it just because the program is nearly over?
- The kidnapping argument in episode 59. I can only remember a couple of lines, sadly:
Charmy: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Delusional Thinking with Vector!
Charmy: He's out of control, he's out of control, look at him go, he's out of control! There's no stopping him!
Espio: I can't argue with someone who doesn't make any sense!
- Episode 45. Tails versus Rouge in a referee moderated tournament. Rouge wins. By kissing Tails' cheek.
- And one that 4kids created: "Kids, never use Formula One Race Cars to chase hedgehogs". In the first episode. Spoken while standing atop the speeding Formula One race car, no less. This troper personally saw it as a skit on Sonic Sez and it was all the more funny as a result.
- The original Japanese line is "Good kids don't stand on moving cars". The absurdity of the advice makes it plain that it's meant to be a parody of Sonic Sez.
- Knuckles and Cosmo's brief exchange while the crew are trying to free the Blue Typhoon from a huge maze of what is apparently plantlife - by cutting:
Cosmo: My sister Galaxina and I often did gardening together. It's great therapy.
Knuckles: Sure, hacking through deadwood really does it for me, too.
- When Knuckles and Hawk are in prison together, Knuckles discovers a hidden microphone. He and Hawk (his inmate) share this exchange:
Hawk: They could change the menu once in a while. I mean, baked beans day in and day out? You'd think they'd never heard of steak, or fried chicken, or even a cheeseburger with fries! (Knuckles takes a deep breath) Now wouldn't that be something?
Knuckles (into the microphone): IT SURE WOULD!!
- The Tournament Arc has some funny moments, but the tops would be when Decoe and Bocoe enter...and find themselves fighting each other. The match is called off when the police show up and chase them out of the ring.