Son of Rambow
Meet schoolboy Will Proudfoot, the eccentric but kindhearted son of the beautiful widow Mary Proudfoot, who has a vibrant imagination that could conquer the world. A pity it's suppressed by the fundamentalist sect the Plymouth Brethren, which has entrapped his family for generations. The only outlet for his creativity is an old bible, which he uses to collect a series of elaborate drawings. .
Meet delinquent Lee "devil-child" Carter, a broken and cynical boy of Will's age who is looked after by his apathetic brother because his mother is too busy trekking Spain with her new boyfriend. His routine includes vandalism, shoplifting, smoking, making bootleg videos and generally being a menace to show the world how strong he is. He's a miniature Alex DeLarge in the making, but somewhere inside he still wants to be loved.
In spite of their differences, Will and Lee are brought together by a mutual love of cinema, and end up remaking First Blood with nothing more than a cheap camera and a makeshift movie-set. By the end of the summer, they become the best of friends.
Notable for having one of the coolest examples of a non-Anime Bishounen out there: Didier Revol, the Johnny Depp lookalike French Exchange student.
- Amusing Injuries - The film follows this trope until drama requires otherwise, and then injuries can turn quite deadly serious.
- Bishounen - Didier Revol, French Johnny Depp lookalike.
- Blood Brothers - Will and Lee-Carter.
- Cloudcuckoolander - Will, sweet Will.
- Catholic School Girls Rule - "St. Mary's is just down the road, and they're all Catholic!"
- Different As Night and Day
- The Eighties - Ah, those were the days...
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French - Didier the French exchange student is a ridiculously prominent example of this trope. What makes this trope especially funny is that, while the English see Didier as impossibly cool and sexy, his French classmates clearly see him as a goofy, nerdy klutz
- Even the Guys Want Him - Didier, so beautiful that he has an Unwanted Harem of girls and boys.
- Foreign Fanservice - Didier again.
- Hey, It's That Guy! - Chuck Bass is Lee's big brother.
- Hot Mom - Mary Proudfoot.
- Jerkass - Lee Carter, initially.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Lee Carter, eventually
- Odd Friendship - Will and Lee
- Overnight Age-Up - Were it not for his friendship with Will, Lee Carter would never have felt what it was like to be a real little-boy.
- Parody Sue - Didier, the seemingly perfect androgynous stud is just as innocent and immature as other boys his age.
- Parental Abandonment - Will's father died of a stroke while Lee's father left him before he was born.
- Rambo - The Sylvester Stallone film that inspired this delightful adventure.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders - [context?]
- Unwanted Harem - Didier's has two groups of this, girls and boys.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist - Will again.