Something Blues

Common method of naming things "The (Something) Blues". Very prevalent in Blues music, although there are also many, many non-blues songs with a title like this.

See also The Something Song and Ballad of X.

Examples of Something Blues include:


  • Cowboy Bebop: The ending song "The Real Folk Blues" and the episode title "Asteroid Blues".
  • The Sailor Moon American dub had a large number of episodes titled "Something-or-other Blues".

Comic Books


  • Postman Blues
  • Habana Blues
  • Miami Blues
  • Varsity Blues
  • The French title of Analyze This was "Mafia Blues".
  • Undercover Blues
  • Biloxi Blues
  • There have been three movies called St. Louis Blues. The first was a jazz short in the 20's that depicted the only film footage of W.C. Handy (see the Music entry below). The next one was made in the 30's. It was a musical comedy starring Dorothy Lamour. The third was a musical bio-pic about W.C.Handy made in the 50's with Nat King Cole as the lead. Because of this last film, the aforementioned 1930's St. Louis Blues was retitled to Best of the Blues for television.
  • "The Weary Blues" from Summer Holiday.
  • Gaz Bar Blues


Live Action TV



  • One game in I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue was to improvise a Blues song. The title would always be in this form (eg, "The Trichologist's Blues" or "The Kerry Packer Blues"). In one case the song was called "The West Indies Blues", but was sung as a calypso.


  • "Women's Club Blues" from Love Life.
  • "Homesick Blues" from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
  • "The Red Blues" from Silk Stockings.
  • "Buddy's Blues" (also known as "The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues") from Follies.
  • "L.A. Blues" from City of Angels.
  • "Papa's Blues" from Starlight Express.
  • "The Fatherhood Blues" from Baby.
  • "'The Half Of It, Dearie' Blues" from Lady, Be Good!.
  • "The Where-Has-My-Hubby-Gone Blues" from No No Nanette.

Video Games

  • Little unrelated, but Proto Man's japanese name is Blues.

Web Comics

Web Original

Western Animation

  • Metalocalypse pokes fun at this in one episode, with an old man telling bizarre circumstances in which various songs with these kind of title, which are often massively convoluted, were made, including one that a person apparently composed as they were being killed by a train.


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