< So Bad It's Good
So Bad It's Good/Advertising
These So Bad It's Good advertisements can be viewed directly in the comfort of your own home for the low, low price of zero dollars and zero cents!
- This funny commercial for plastic shoes tells you how to solve the extremely anoying problem of constantly being mugged on a slippery sidewalk. Ever so important to remember during the winter.
- Appliance Direct. The Narm of it is funny alone, let alone the Asian guy.
- In the same vein, BARRY SCOTT.
- At least when Mays advertised a product, you know it has to have a good degree of quality. He was like a very loud seal of approval.
- Also, he explained that every product he endorsed he used himself at home (though it was probably a maid using them, but all the same).
- Vince Offer, who stars in the ShamWow towel, the SlapChop food processor, and recently, Eminem's Recovery commercials. Sets the bar for the most awful (yet endearing) sales pitches on record.
Vince: You're gonna love my nuts.
- And the remixed ad, one of the coolest ascended memes.
- "Windowfix", starts with utter Narm and poor acting. Then it leads into the most enthusiastic sales pitch about window cleaning, installation and repair ever. Utterly brilliant.
- Many fast-food restaurant chains used incredibly bizarre employee training videos during the late 80's and early 90's. These include the "Wendy's Grill Skill" training video, where a new cook learns how to grill hamburgers from a rapper, and the McDonald's Custodian training video, where a new employee learns to channel a spirit named "McC".
- Steve Ballmer in the Windows 1.0 commercial. He just hams up the whole commercial with his unnecessary yelling and you got to love what he says in the end when he says the address to purchase one.
Ballmer: ...except in Nebraska!
- May be subverted, as this appears to have been done as a joke.
- Then he did another for Windows XP. And he was even louder!!!.
- The amazing Magic Bullet. They are so amazingly cheesy, with Hazel adding pearls like "Stinking, nasty garlic" in the mix. Is that Nigel Lithgow?
- The Magic Bullet To Go is also quite the treat if you were a fan of the original. Berman and Hazel hook up. Seriously. That infomercial needs to have a series, I tell you.
- It counts as a series with the third installment, the Bullet Express, which adds a crotchety grandma to the mix!
- The Magic Bullet To Go is also quite the treat if you were a fan of the original. Berman and Hazel hook up. Seriously. That infomercial needs to have a series, I tell you.
- This old A Link To The Past advert. Sure, it's as cheesy, but secretly it's rather awesome to see Link and bunch of monsters have a dance-off, with a bizarre, Japanese rap playing in the background.
Kid: Yeah, go Link, yeah, get Zelda!
- Dramatel, the "almost illegal" phone card. It's absolutely ridiculous. And when the girl triumphantly declares, "You been Dramateled, playa!", the look on the guy's face is golden - he actually pulls off his sunglasses and gawks at his phone.
- Mister T. advertising Snickers by driving a tank through a wall. Indeed, this trope probably qualifies for nearly everything Mister T. has ever done.
- This ad for CGU insurance. The concept is so bizarre (an oldish British white woman rapping about insuring her store) and the execution so cheesy, between the woman's insufferable smugness all through the ad (apparently oblivious to the fact that she's RAPPING ABOUT HER INSURANCE!), her moronic "dancing" and the "rappified" version of the CGU slogan at the end, that it somehow manages to be awesome...
- This atrocity of local Southeastern Virginia advertising. The best/worst of them (and the first one released) is the second one in the playlist.
- Speaking of local advertising, everyone near Cleveland knows Mark Brown's Norton Furniture ads.
- This commercial for Sakura-Con (pictured above) consisting of stereotypical anime fans at a sushi restaurant:
"I love anime." "I love Japan period." "J-Rock!" "GIRUGAMESH!"
"Hey! Sakura-Con ikimaaaaaaaaasu!"
- It's just like a mini mall!
- This book trailer for Perfect Chemistry.
- "I've got something for YOU!" If you lived in the Chicago area in the 90's, you saw this ad for Eagle Insurance. You thought it was the cheapest thing ever. And yet, admit it, you just couldn't hate it.
- It has a sequel, too.
- "Look at those low rates."
- Credit Mac Daddy is appealingly Genre Savvy.
- So is his girlfriend (or so it seems), Baby Back.
- And Rochester, and Syracuse, and Albany, and...
- Your Chia Obama is a symbol of liberty, opportunity, prosperity, and hope.
- Despite being one of the worst commercials ever made, to this day, hearing the phrase "head on" makes you think "apply directly to the forehead" That ladies and gentlemen is a perfect example of brainwashing. Brainwashing that has already outlived those commercials.
- One Nude by Nature makeup ad earned its place here with one sentence.
Guy with Really Thick German Accent: I think my girlfriend looks very hot.
- Enzyte. That theme, that smile, those '50s-'60s party animal cliches. And the double entendres and symbolism.
- Meet Gerrit DeBoer, from the Idomo commercials. He gets exponentially funnier every time he says "99", or anything else.
- The four-minute promo for Michael Jackson's HIStory is one of the best examples of sheer egotism -- ever. Also counts as a Dada Ad, as it tells you nothing about the album it's advertising.
- This toe-curling ad is for a Game design course at Westwood college. It already has a reputation amongst gamers for its absolute silly way of portraying how designing and creating a game would work.
- Shouty ads are considered to be this. Just ask the panel for The Gruen Transfer.
- This probably belongs here. I'M PRINCIPAL WILSON! I'M PRINCIPAL WILSON!!!
- An added bonus for an extended version of this commercial. Even more bonus points for those who use the YouTube captions here.
- This commercial for Lanacane anti-itch gel. The rapidly-speeding-up-to-chipmunk voice is ridiculous enough, but then the musical cue hits-- and it's one that should be familiar to any Mac user who's toyed with the built-in loops in iMovie.
- The Twilight commercials involved with Burger King (especially the toy commercial for Eclipse) can qualify.
- The Old Spice commercials involving Terry Crews shouting about OLD SPICE AND OTHER RANDOM STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and this was created by the comedy duo Tim and Eric.
- Don't copy, don't copy that floppy!
- Quiznos' 5 4 3 commercials definately qualify for this page.
- I've fallen... and I can't get up!
- This Shoedini advert, with ridiculously hammy voiceover by Gilbert Gottfried.
- The Wunder Boner would be a great example of Have a Gay Old Time--except that people were already using the term "boner" to mean erection by that time, and if its commercial is any indication, the actors are aware of that fact as they film. Note the chortles of the man's friends after he first reveals his product, and then the comment that "my wife would like that."
- A chain of commercials familiar to anyone from Central Florida is for Appliance Direct, which features some of the most enthusiastic and downright bizarre advertising for cleaning and kitchen appliances to be put on the air all from a man who doesn't seem to have a very firm grasp on the English language.
- LeBron James' commercial for Nike's shoes have him pondering what he should do. It's seen as not only narcissistic, but also makes you hate him even more if you don't like him and/or you live in Cleveland. When South Park makes a parody of that shit, you should know when it's So Bad It's Good.
- The city of Cleveland's response is... way better. Here, the comedy's intentional and you're supposed to think LeBron is a dickhead!
- This ad for Taiyou-Con in Mesa, Arizona combines an incredibly lame rap and laughably bad green screen effects, managing to outdo Sakura-con in terrible promotion for an anime convention.
"Taiyou con! In Mesa! It's just like a mini-Japan!"
- The suckiness is most likely intentional, seeing that it's a parody of the "it's just like a mini-mall" commercial already mentioned on the page.
- Crazy Bruce's Liquors! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!!
- To be more specific, he's known for singing old-timey songs like Oh Suzanna and makes it go towards advertising his liquor store.
- BOGOFF safestyle uk windows
- The 1994 Transformers Generation 2 toy commercials with their rap songs. Especially the Aerialbots and Combaticons one. A-hem: The Aerialbots are taking their shots!/ Silverbolt's blasting COMBATICONS!/ They can all ch-ch-change/ To be re-arranged/ To form a super robot, SUPERION!/ The Combaticons are WARRING!/ Onslaught is ROARING!/ He is one metamorphing DUDICUS!/ They all combine/ And kick Superion's behind/ As the big, bad, battling BRUTICUS!
- McDonald's Pakistanian advertising department blows. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
- GO COMPAAAAARE! An man singing opera on an insurance comparison website. Many, many, many variants have been made.
- Tucson Appliance Company. Yep, they even have their own youtube channel.
- Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center commercials have become a complete joke and Memetic Mutation to the residents of St. Louis and Kansas City, thanks to the narmful Lyrical Dissonance of the jingle: "Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center... don't suffer in silence!" You've got to pity the poor saps who had to compose and sing this.
- Alright! Makin' da pizza! Makin' da pizza! Sprinkle da cheez! Sprinkle da cheez! Aww yeeeah!
- This Windows 95 Commercial. WHIP IT ON ME!!!
- From the same city that brought you the page image, now comes SHAG (Senior Housing Assistance Group), complete with old people badly miming to the jingle.
- This African ad for a mosquito killer, in French.
- This Nutella ad that airs in the United States and Canada. With the labored narrative of "with a hint of cocoa" (Nutella is very chocolaty) and using blatantly obvious transference (don't think about the product, think about putting it on "whole grain toast, or even on whole wheat waffles"), and the three rent-a-kids lined up each eating a single piece of toast with Nutella for breakfast...the saving grace is that Nutella is genuinely delicious and a treat to see, though it leaves you wondering why they didn't go this route, and instead tried very hard to make you not think about the product but instead about the "the whole grain toast, or even the whole wheat waffles". But this schizophrenic advertising approach may have actually been justified, as Nutella has historically been very difficult to successfully market and sell in the United States. It's more readily accepted in Europe, where it sells well.
- This ad for The Money Shop is full of mistimed and/or muggy reactions of people strapped for cash in accidents. AAAUGHH!
- You probably thought this deer was alive... NOPE! Just Chuck Testa...
- This pitch for lessons in "Speed Seduction" (complete with MST). It's obviously a scam, but the ill-defined claims, bizarre reasoning and methods, and total shamelessness about how Sick and Wrong the product concept is make it a delightful read. It's as if Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force wrote it.
- Presidential hopeful Herman Cain released an ad where he's endorsed by a random smoker. Virtually overnight, Memetic Mutation kicked in. In light of sexual harassment charges, Herman Cain didn't stay in the race, but he attained the Butt Monkey status usually reserved for people who reach the presidency.
- This Italian advertisement for an amateurish book gained a So Bad It's Good fame due to its amateurish direction, poor acting, messy background, creepy Soundtrack Dissonance and the use of a word ("strategismo") that doesn't even exists. It was followed by similar and equally SBIG advertisements.
- The General car insurance commercials. With their bad CGI effects, poor blue screen, Ear Worm tunes, narmy actors, and the out of place penguin you can't help but have an odd affinity for the company.
- This "kids featurette" for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is full of cheesy narration more suited for a lighthearted comedy.
- This M&Ms commercial made in Madagascar. The cheap CGI, the chipmunk-like voices, the Off-Model-ness (for starters, Red is sphere-shaped in this commercial, when normally, he's supposed to be a flat circle like a milk chocolate M&M), and if you pause during the scene where Red and Yellow's eyes pop out of their heads, you can see that Red's eye sockets are blank white holes.
- It's a Steal, Not a Deal!
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