Gilbert Gottfried

"If they'd wanted a nice parrot, they wouldn't have asked for me."—Gilbert Gottfried on his role in Aladdin(paraphrased)
Everybody's favorite squinty-eyed, grating-voiced, pint-sized, obnoxious, hilarious stand-up comic and voice actor. Known as Iago in the Aladdin films (and by extension, the Kingdom Hearts series and House of Mouse), Mr. Mxyzptlk in Superman: The Animated Series, Jerry the Bellybutton Elf from The Ren and Stimpy Show, Art De Salvo from Duckman, a troll from Dilbert, deranged dentist Dr. Bender and his son, Wendell, from a few episodes of The Fairly OddParents, Patrick Swayze and Jerry Seinfeld from Clerks the Animated Series, Santa Claus from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Digit from Cyberchase, monster toy Tickle Me Psycho on Robotomy, the Aflac duck, and years of comedy routines.
Gottfried was also a cast member on the NBC sketch show Saturday Night Live...during its widely-panned sixth season (1980-1981; the first season after Lorne Michaels and the remnants of the original "Not Ready For Primetime" cast left the show due to creative exhaustion). During those years, Gottfried had a full head of curly black hair, rarely if ever squinted, and actually had an indoor voice (though it did escalate into a No Indoor Voice from time-to-time).
Gottfried caught some heat while speaking at a roast soon after 9/11 and making an Empire State Building joke that popularized the Too Soon meme. He then saved himself by doing a take on The Aristocrats that opens up the documentary of the same name. He has been fired by Aflac for making jokes about the Japanese earthquake on his Twitter, showing that he has no fear of Too Soon jokes, nor enough sense to keep from making light of Japan's national crisis while also representing Japan's top insurer. Better make with The Aristocrats quick, Gilbert.