~~Video Game, Metroidvania~~
Snailiad is a Metroidvania Retraux Flash game created by auriplane.
The plot: You're a snail named Snaily Snail who has to set out to rescue the missing snails.
Play it here.
Tropes used in Snailiad include:
- Abnormal Ammo: A pea shooter and a boomerang sort of make sense (though it begs the question of how Snaily holds the gun/boomerang), but rainbow waves?
- Alliteration: The stage names.
- Airborne Mooks: A lot of the enemies in this game fly. [1]
- Always Check Behind the Chair: It's a Metroidvania game. It comes with the genre.
- Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: The battle with Giga-Snail.
- An Ice Person: The Iceballs.
- Snaily himself after getting the Ice Snail powerup.
- Apathetic Citizens: The snails of Snail Town leave everything up to you.
- Author Appeal: The creator loves snails. And boy, does it show.
- Babies Ever After: The psychic snail in Snail Town predicts this of Snaily after getting the Golden Ending. "I can see the future, Snaily! I see you having 18,000,000 baby snails!! Congratulations!!"
- Big Bad: Moon Snail.
- Big Good: Isis.
- Bubbly Clouds: Lux Lirata has shades of this.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: The Devil (red) Blob. It moves very fast, shoots tons of energy ball... things, and takes way too many hits to die! Thankfully, there's only one in the entire game.
- Boss Rush: And dear God is it hard.
- Boss Subtitles: Although there's no descriptive sentence; it's only used to display the boss' name.
- Catching Some Zs: One of attacks of the final boss.
- Which is derived from your Idle Animation.
- Chain-Reaction Destruction: Bosses do this in a rather spectacular manner.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Most of the snails could qualify.
"Cave Snail scares me! I'm staying over here!" Beat "Do you think Cave Snail is single?"
- Credits Gag: Downplayed: the credits amusingly lampshade the trend of putting "And You" at the end of their credits.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Snaily Snail.
- Dramatis Personae: At the end.
- Electric Jellyfish: They're an Invincible Minor Minion, at least until you get the Devastator.
- Everything's Better with Rainbows: The Rainbow Wave.
- Excuse Plot: Snails are disappearing. Go find them.
- Subverted towards the end, though; the plot doesn't get very deep, but a semblance of one does form. Your mission of finding the disappearing snails is also referenced quite frequently.
- Flash of Pain
- Fragile Speedster: Sluggy Slug, your Player Character after choosing Slug Mode.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: The eyes on the walls in one section of Lux Lirata fire these.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Every boss except the final one, and they're pretty weird. Two giant feet with eyes? Really?
- Golden Ending: Achieved by getting all 30 helix fragments. Moon Snail becomes Sun Snail again and all is well.
- The Goomba: The Blob (purple slime).
- Goomba Stomp: Stompy seems hellbent on doing this to you.
- Gravity Screw: The Gravity Shell powerup allows you to do this.
- The Gravity Turtles can also do this.
- Green Rocks: The helix fragments.
- Hailfire Peaks: Mare Carelia could be either Green Hill Zone, or Under the Sea.
- Amastrida Abyssus combines Lethal Lava Land and Under the Sea (again).
- Hammerspace: Just how is Snaily holding all those boomerangs?
- Hearts Are Health
- Heart Container
- Heroic Mime: Snaily, in keeping with the 8-bit theme.
- Hyperactive Metabolism: Health is replenished by green and pink grass (guess which one replenishes more health).
- Idle Animation: Snaily falls asleep in his shell.
- Which gets used by Giga-Snail as an attack.
- Item Get
- Invincible Minor Minion: The Jellyfish and the spikeballs. Subverted when you get the Devastator.
- Jungle Japes: Snail Town is something like this.
- Just for Pun: The two cannon enemies are called Canon (red) and Non-Canon (blue).
- Killer Rabbit: The Kitty. It looks like the harmless Snelks that randomly roam the areas, but it bounces around at a fast pace and shoots a bunch of bullets in between jumps.
- Lampshade Hanging: One of the snails in Snail Town asks "Don't you think it's weird that we all live in treehouses?"
- Another snail in Lux Lirata quips, "Amazing work, Snaily!! Say, how'd we get into space, anyway?"
- Level Map Display: Type 1.
- Medium Awareness: Don't be surprised to see snails reference the fact that they are in a game. Particularly notable in this quote:
"Don't moon snails live in the ocean? Hey, this game isn't realistic!! What gives??"
- "I hope the next game has more weapons. This game could have used a |flame whip!"
- Minus World: ???, with its weird glitchy walls and strange music. It's actually the passageway to the Shrine of Isis.
- Mirror Boss: Moon Snail. Aside from changing his own gravity, he uses Devastator-style boomerangs and dark-colored waves in his first form. As Giga-Snail, he uses bigger Rainbow Waves, as well as using the Devastator-peashooter bullets. He even uses the idle animation as an attack; the Z's fly off in your general direction.
- My Name Is ???: ???, a hidden area which contains the Shrine of Isis.
- Nintendo Hard: Oh yes.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: One snail in Snail Town manages to eat a pizza offscreen, after telling Snaily he would for nearly the entire game.
- One-Snail Army
- One-Winged Angel: The Final Boss, Giga-Snail.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: There are several snake enemies.
- Retraux
- Reverse Shrapnel: The Angel (white) Blob, amongst others.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The snails. In particular Snaily's idle animation.
- The snelks may also qualify.
- Save the Princess
- Secret Character: Sluggy Slug (hero of Slug Mode).
- Seers: One snail in Snail Town can see the future. His words often describe what to do next.
- Shout-Out: "Up, up, down, down, left, right... wait, never mind, that's for some other game."
- The Boss Rush version of the Space Box is called "Time Cube". Both versions also turn blue when they go berserk.
- "I hope the next game has more weapons. This game could have used a |flame whip!"
- Upon starting a new game in Slug Mode, a fake password screen appears, which is filled out by an unseen person with "JUSTIN SNAILY".
- "It's dangerous to go alone!"
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Spiralis Silere.
- Space Zone: Lux Lirata becomes this near the end.
- Suspicious Videogame Generosity: Pre-boss rooms are usually full of pink grass. The snails will outright tell you when there's a boss coming up, though, so it doesn't come as much of a surprise.
- Turns Red: Every boss does this, literally (though the Space Box actually turns blue when it goes berserk).
- Unique Enemy: Two of them. One's a cat listed under Killer Rabbit above, and the other's the Devil Blob. It's called that for a good reason.
- Under the Sea: Mare Carelia.
- Upgrade Artifact: The Devastator, which upgrades all three of your weapons.
- Wall Crawl: One of your abilities. Justified, as you're a snail.
- Widget Series: You better believe it.
- You No Take Candle: "I are Cave Snail! Thorgle borgle!!!!"
- ↑ Among others, the Sky Viper, Chirpy, Batty Bat, and Ghost Dandelion.
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