Smash King/Characters
Here is the list of characters in Smash King.
- Bowser
I'm a poor excuse....''OF A MONSTER!!!
The Hero of the story, he is constantly picked on for his lack of strength. He makes a team of Peach and Meta-Knight and enters the Smash King Tourney. He surprises everyone by unleashing his Limit Break during a match (real name: Ascent Mode) and his team quickly goes from being the underdogs to the hot favourites. He plans to wish for a world where everyone is treated equally, a dream given to him by his old mentor, Mewtwo.
- Berserk Button: When Ganondorf reminds him of what happened to Pichu
- Dumb Muscle: Averted, he certainly isn't as dumb as everyone thinks he is.
- The Hero
- Limit Break: His Ascent Mode
- And as of Episode 14, he now has a Giga Bowser Ascent Mode.
- Mighty Glacier
- She's Not My Girlfriend: With Liz. Wario doesn't believe him.
- Straight Man: To Wario
- Unstoppable Rage: This can happen pretty often. Sometimes it's Played for Laughs, sometimes it's not.
- The Woobie: Some of his backstory depicts him as this. Happens in the main story as well.
- World of Cardboard Speech: Uses this in the fight against Pikachu.
- Peach
I don't want anyone to protect me. How am I supposed to prove myself if you do?
The Chick, but most certainly not the Damsel in Distress. She has developed an Inferiority Complex from being kidnapped and rescued all the time, and considers herself useless. As a result of this, she decides to join Bowser's team to prove that she is stronger now. She also searches for Mario, who is believed by Bowser and herself to be dead.
- Character Development: She gets a lot of this.
- The Chick
- Damsel in Distress: Averted hard. She really doesn't want to be rescued.
- It's All About Me: Until her Character Development kicks in, this is what she is like.
- Not as You Know Them
- Spoiler Opening: The second opening implies that she has an Ascent Mode as well.
- The Power of Love
- Tsundere
- Wario
Bowser's Best Friend.
- Butt Monkey: He goes through a lot of crap, perhaps even more than Ike.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A little strange, when you consider the source.
- Meta-Knight
I can't let you leave just yet.
A Lovable Coward with a Split Personality, who is a complete Badass. Joins Bowser's team for the Smash King Tourney. He likes to write poetry in his spare time.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: His cowardly persona is red, while the other is black.
- Cultured Warrior: He likes to write poetry with Zelda.
- Overly Long Gag: His nervous babbling when Wario asks him how he is, describing how he arrived hours early to make a good impression, sat in a tavern and drank ten bottle of water to pass the time, peed himself, got kicked out of the tavern, had to cover himself in his shield to keep warm, his shield breaks and it hurts, it hurts so bad.
- Split Personality: One is a coward, while the other is a Badass.
- Mario
The Rival and The Determinator, Mario was believed to be dead by both Bowser and Peach. He made the jump to Brawl late, and is on a journey to destroy Bowser after remembering how Bowser betrayed him at the last minute when they were fighting Ganondorf in Melee. In order to do this he joins Sonic's team in the Smash King Tourney.
- The Determinator: He's going to find Bowser, and put him down.
- I Can Still Fight
- Limit Break: He has an Ascent Mode just like Bowser.
- Not as You Know Them
- Only Sane Man: Seems to be this.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Inverted. Mario has abandoned his trademark Italian accent, but occasionally slips back into it when he is surprised, angry or has been kicked in the balls.
- Ike
A lovable loser who puts Honor Before Reason, and as a result, is shunned by many. He joins Sonic's team in order to help Mario, his first friend, defeat Bowser.
- Butt Monkey: Definitely.
- Children Are Innocent: He thinks this of the Yoshi babies whose mother he killed. Until they attack. He also thinks this of Ness, until he and his teammates attack.
- Friendless Background: "Well, I would fight for my friends... if I had any!
- Honor Before Reason: Does this a lot, particularly in the earlier episodes.
- Lawful Good: But usually...
- Lawful Stupid
- Sonic
A Fragile Speedster who enters the Smash King Tourney to win. He shares a rivalry with Captain Falcon, who eventually draws with him in a race. Sonic has an extreme impulse to win at any cost, as he is the "Fastest Thing Alive" and needs a reputation to live up to.
- Ascended Extra: Tigura said that he was a little tired of Sonic's near-eternal Butt Monkey status in Super Smash Bros machinima, so he did this for Sonic.
- Born Winner: Strives to be this, but he draws in a race with Captain Falcon
- Chaotic Good
- Establishing Character Moment: His first fight with Mario, specifically the dialogue before it.
- Fragile Speedster
- Jerkass: At first, but turns out to be...
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Limit Break: Also has an Ascent Mode
- Ganondorf
You'll willingly become my pet again in due time, Koopa.
The Big Bad of the series. Back in Melee, his plan was to meet and defeat God with the help of Bowser on the day when the characters made the jump to Brawl, in order to recreate the new world in his image. This plan backfired when Bowser killed Ganondorf just before the jump to Brawl. His new plan in Brawl seems to be to win the Smash King Tourney and use his wish (and Bowser) to conquer God. To this end, he seeks Bowser to become his pet again, whether Bowser wants to or not...
- Badass Baritone
- Dark Is Evil
- Evil Laugh
- Evilly Affable: "See my new nose?"
- Lawful Evil
- Made of Iron: Mario's Final Smash doesn't even faze him.
- Moral Event Horizon: It's implied that he killed Pichu, Bowser's closest friend.
- Lucario
One of Ganondorf's teammates/minions with a mysterious past. He is a Reincarnation of Mewtwo, Bowser's past mentor and close friend. Lucario beleives that Bowser left him for dead in Melee, when it was really Ganondorf. Lucario is trying to stop Ganondorf's plot by destroying his secret weapon, Bowser.
- Anti-Villain Is trying to stop Ganondorf's plot, by killing Bowser.
- Heel Face Turn
- Mysterious Past: You can probably tell from all the spoiler marks.
- The Obi-Wan He was this to Bowser in Melee.
- That Man Is Dead: "Don't you ever call me that again. Mewtwo is dead, I am Lucario!"
- Link
Does there need to be a reason to fight?
An Ax Crazy Blood Knight and one of Ganondorf's teammates/minions. He was one of the main characters fighting against Ganondorf in Melee, but lost to him in the end. When he arrived in Brawl, he realised that he didn't have to be the "Hero Of Time" and kill Ganondorf, so he joined Ganondorf For the Evulz.
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight: See his quote.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Ike thinks Link is this. He isn't.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Evil Laugh
- Giggling Villain
- Not as You Know Them: Of all the characters in Smash King that have this, Link is the most memorable.
- Oh Crap: Link's word-for-word reaction when Sonic uses his Ascent Mode.
Sonic: I told you not to blink, Link.
Link: Oh Crap