Smash King

This is a unique world, a world of trophies.

Created by Tigura21, Smash King is a Machinima which is filmed in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The world in which the series takes place is generally similar to Brawl, with the same characters, settings and even a similar concept: Loads and Loads of Characters fighting together in a tournament.

The series is set shortly after the games characters make the jump from Melee to Brawl. The annual Smash King Tournament is about to be held. The winner gets the chance to meet God and is granted one wish. The series begins at a fight between Bowser and Peach. Bowser wins, and Peach agrees to join his team for the upcoming tourney. The story focuses on Bowser's team and Mario's team as they fight in the tournament, and the story of what really happened during the last few days of Melee is slowly brought to light.

Here is a list of the main characters in Smash King.

Tropes used in Smash King include:
  • Action Girl: Samus and Sheik. Peach tries to be this, but she doesn't always succeed.
  • Aura Vision: Lucario, much like his game counterpart. Bowser's Aura reinforces Lucario's hostility towards him despite being the reincarnation of Mewtwo, Bowser's friend and fighting mentor in Melee. Later subverted by Fox, who judges people by looking into their eyes. What Lucario sees with 'just plain sight' contradicts Bowser's aura, leading to his Heel Face Turn. However, at the end of episode 13, it turns out there may have been merit to said aura.
  • Badass: A lot of the characters are this.
  • Battle Aura
  • Big Bad: Ganondorf
  • Bi the Way: Bowser is this, apparently. He has two love interests and yet dry humps Donkey Kong when he beats him. Twice.
  • Butt Monkey: Wario, Ike and Toon Link.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience
  • Continuity Nod: Between actual referencing things in the prequel series, Racconto, and references to each the games each character belong to, there is quite a lot.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Dedede, Lampshaded by Peach and Wario who only fights when he has to.
  • Deconstruction: Has some elements of this, especially with Link on how the pressure of being a designated hero can really turn for the worse.
  • Doing It for the Art: Machinima is never made with profit in mind. Tigura21 also refuses to put Smash King on's YouTube channel, pretty much the only way to actually make money with machinima, due to not wanting to lower the quality of the series by adhering to's rules.
  • Evil All Along: As of Episode 13 Bowser.
  • Evilly Affable: Ganondorf is this.
  • Evil Laugh: Ganondorf
  • He Really Can Act: Megami33 as Peach in episodes 8 and 13 surprised me a lot.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Peach is Megami33
  • Hammerspace: GOLF CLUB ATTACK!
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Captain Falcon in Episode 13.
  • Hidden Depths: Lots of characters have this, but Link is probably the most memorable.
    • Dedede is shown to be perverse, and a bit of a womanizer... But he's also fairly good-hearted, and incredibly perceptive, going into detail about Bowser's fight with Donkey Kong.
  • Kiai: Most notably when Bowser, Sonic and Link go into their Ascent Modes.
  • Limit Break: Ascent mode.
  • Reason You Suck Speech: Bowser to Ganondorf in episode 13.

Bowser: You think I don't know? You think I'm not aware of my position here? Why you're so fixed on getting me under your control? Why you keep calling me your "pet"? Your goal is beyond you. You can't do it without me. Every pretty word, every twisted lie, everything you do is related to me. Because you're too weak-no, no-limited to do it all on your own. But, want to know what's funny about that? You can't do anything about it, even if you wanted to, even with the great powers you have now. You're still the same as you ever were, and always will be...number two.

  • Schedule Slip: The Reunion Special, Christmas Special, The double episode release.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Link, though due to characters having a ten life stock outside of the tournament, he has yet to actually kill anyone. Bowser dry humping Donkey Kong
  • Shout-Out: In episode 13 Bowser uses an attack similar to a Mystic Arte, incantation and all.
  • The Reveal: The group consisting of Zelda, Snake, Samus, and Wolf was hired by the Creator to capture Bowser, and take him to Him. Bowser, along with Ganondorf and Mewtwo/ Lucario, is one of the Creator's Triune, three beings the Creator made to challenge the other trophies. As a result, the members of the Triune evolve and grow faster than the others, Bowser especially. To this end, Bowser could become as powerful as the Creator. Ganondorf seeks to use Bowser to overthrow the Creator, and remake the world as he sees fit.
  • Throw It In: That scene with Captain Falcon tripping in the first episode? The creator decided that it worked so well, he kept it.
  • Wham! Line:

Mario: Bowser was tricking you all along, Peach! He was the one who tried to kill me back in Melee!

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