< Slowbeef


  • Arc Fatigue: The length of the Metroid Prime trilogy takes its toll on him. When he manages to get Proteus4994 to guest on a Corruption video, many of his comments are incredulous that slowbeef is still playing it.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: During the Nightmare fight in Diabetus's Metroid Fusion LP, the video cuts away to footage from Soul Calibur II.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In the Metroid Prime Let's Play, Diabetus jokingly says he'd like to see Samus in Dead or Alive. Then came the news of a Metroid themed stage in Dead or Alive: Dimensions.
    • At one point Diabetus points out that they're getting the Grapple Beam awfully late, considering Samus started the game with it. "You've beaten Metroid Prime! Your prize: the Grapple Beam!" Compare this with the way Power Bombs are actually treated in Metroid: Other M.
    • Also, Other M's reveal that hearing Ridley's voice is enough to turn Zebesians, among other creatures, violent. Yeah, we can see why.
    • Another one is Slowbeef predicting that the phazon suit will do a Venom type thing and turn into an evil version of Samus that you have to fight. Guess what the Metroid Prime uses to turn itself into Dark Samus.
    • Diabetus has a rather uncanny ability to make jokey predictions that turn out at least partially true.
    • His comments on Other M become hilarious, since he did a Retsupurae of the Compilation Movie unlocked after beating the game.
  • Memetic Badass: His portrayal of Shadow in the Dead To Rights games due to his ability to tear mooks apart and ability to do just about anything Jack tells him to.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Arguably Toffile, who made his first Metroid Prime LP appearance as a straight man to Khad. His appearances in the Echoes LP were far better, as he served as a knowledgeable and effective guide while telling enough straight-faced lies to make "Toffile lied!" a Running Gag. However...
  • The Scrappy: Khad, according to slowbeef. He was unfortunate enough to make his debut in the Metroid Prime LP in a video that ran through a gamut of technical difficulties. In fact, around 80% of the video is composed of Khad complaining about his audio and slowbeef hurling insults at him.
  • Spoiled by the Format: The Omega Pirate battle in Metroid Prime begins with about eighteen minutes left into the video, and brings him and Samus close to death with a good eight minutes left. Omega Pirate dies two minutes later. The last six minutes are blank filler inserted just to subvert the trope.

Diabetus: You've created the most suspenseful Let's Play ever.

  • The Woobie: During Torvus Bog, slowbeef suffers more and more, until he finally ends up sounding totally broken-hearted.
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