Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure/Characters

The Skylanders

Listed in alphabetic order.


"Rock and roll!"

Ever since he was a young dragon, Bash has wished to fly. In an attempt to build up enough momentum to do so, he learned how to curl into a ball and roll at incredible speed. This training has toughened his skin into natural armor, but hasn't gotten him airborne as he'd hoped.


Like most trolls, Boomer loves to blow things up. But he wasn't interested in the trolls' war of conquest, so he turned against his kin and now blows stuff up FOR JUSTICE!

  • Heel Face Turn: Was originally in the troll army, but defected.
  • Mad Bomber: He's a good version however.
    • This is apparently a common trait among trolls. According to a scroll found in game, all their games are for some reason called "Boom!". Boomer just takes this trope Up to Eleven as far as his species goes.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: The troll's love of war and conquest didn't sit well with him. So he saved a town from the trolls and defected. He's apparently the only troll to ever earn the honor of being a Skylander.


Camo is half-plant due to being hatched at the roots of the Tree of Life. As a result, he can make fruits and vegetables grow to the point of bursting almost instantly. Eon first noticed him when a melon blew up in his face, convincing the young dragon to join the Skylanders.

Chop Chop

"Slice and dice!"

Created by the ancient Arkeyans with a fusion of technology and undead magic, Chop Chop is a skilled warrior with an indestructible shield. He has spent centuries looking for the vanished Arkeyans before being recruited as a Skylander.


Kidnapped as an egg by the evil dragon Malefor, Cynder was raised in the ways of darkness until Spyro rescued her. (Wait, this sounds familiar...) Anyway, she wishes to make up for all the evil she's done under Malefor, but many are wary of the dark powers she still commands.


Dino-Rang came to the Skylands in a freak portal accident, taken from his home and his people far away. While helping the Skylanders fight for justice, he searches for the mythical Twin Diamond Boomerangs, believing they'll lead him to his destiny.

Double Trouble

Hailing from the tropical regions of Skylands, Double Trouble was searching for spell ingredients when he found a lily said to multiply a spell's power. But after he ate it, he found it multiplied something else, giving him the ability to make half-size, exploding copies of himself.

Drill Sergeant

An ancient robot built by the Arkeyans, Drill Sergeant was buried for centuries until Terrafin wound up finding and reactivating him. Drill Sergeant swore to be Terrafin's servant in thanks, but Terrafin told him not to serve him at all - an order that Drill Sergeant has followed ever since.


Drobot was always fascinated by mechanical devices, so when he found some Lost Technology he studied it and used to build a set of armor. His new gear includes lasers, spinning gear shooters, flight enhancement gear, and a deep booming voice synthesizer, all of which he uses to defend the Skylands.

  • Eye Beams / Frickin' Laser Beams: His primary attack is to shoot rapidfire, long-range energy beams from his eyes. The "Master Blaster" path of upgrades also adds wing blasters.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Drobot built his suit of Powered Armor himself using some lost technology he came across and his backstory implies he tinkered around a good bit beforehand.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
  • Powered Armor: Drobot doesn't actually posess wings.
  • Spread Shot: His secondary attack is to launch a pair of metal blade-gears that can rebound off of walls; the "Clockwork Dragon" path of upgrades allows him to launch three at once.


Eruptor's people once lived deep underneath a volcano until an eruption sent everything up to the surface. As for Eruptor himself, he's said to have an absolutely volcanic temper.


Flameslinger is such an incredible archer that he wears a blindfold just to prove his skill. He also saved a fire spirit in his youth, who granted him a magic bow and fire boots in gratitude.

Ghost Roaster

Once a simple chef, Ghost Roaster was turned into a ghoul after falling into the Valley of the Undead. He then consumed an entire ghost village, for which he was chained to a spiked ball as punishment. Eon heard of this and recruited Ghost Roaster, feeling a ghost-eater could be useful - as long as he only eats evil spirits.

Gill Grunt

'"Fear the fish!"

Gill Grunt is a gillman soldier who met a beautiful mermaid during one tour of duty. He kept a promise to return to her after his tour, but she had been kidnapped by pirates in the meantime. He continues to search for her, and has become a Skylander to put a stop to such evil.

  • Fish People
  • Harpoon Gun: And with one upgrade, it can be upgraded to fire a large ship anchor as a Charged Attack.
  • Knockback: His power-hose attack inflicts relatively little damage, but is explicitly noted to push enemies backwards when it hits.
  • Spread Shot: One path of upgrades enables him to fire a triple spread of harpoons.


"Fear the dark!"

Hex was once a powerful elven sorceress who entered the underworld to confront Malefor, the Undead Dragon King. However, she returned... changed, becoming an Undead herself. Many are now suspicious of her dark powers, but Eon continues to have faith in her.


On his first quest as a knight, Ignitor was deceived by a witch into wearing a cursed set of armor; he thought it was fire-resistant but dragonfire instead turned him into living flame within the armor. Predictably, he makes the best of this, but still seeks revenge on that witch for tricking him.

Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod once lived in the Cloud Kingdom, beloved for his heroic deeds and good looks. But it wasn't enough for him. He eventually met Spyro, whose stories of his adventures in faraway lands inspired him to seek out Eon and join the Skylanders.

Prism Break

Prism Break was once a fearsome, antisocial rock golem, until he was buried in a cave-in. Freed a hundred years later, Prism Break had not only had a change of heart but the earth's pressure had transformed parts of his rocky body into powerful crystals, which he decided to put to use in the defense of the Skylands.

Slam Bam

Slam Bam lived a simple life on a glacier, making ice sculptures and ice surfing. That is, until Kaos destroyed the glacier, leaving him to drift on an iceberg for days until he landed on Eon's Island.

Sonic Boom

A gryphon who hoped to protect her hatchlings, but a wizard was able to find her and curse her eggs; the chicks would hatch, but return to being eggs within moments and hatch again in an endless cycle. Making the best of a bad situation, she taught her chicks how to fight when hatched, and joined the Skylanders to protect others from suffering this kind of evil.

  • Action Girl
  • Action Mom: She's even able to get an assist from her chicks.
  • Cursed with Awesome: She trained her cursed hatchlings to assist her in battle anytime she needs them with effectively no risk to them. Sure, probably not pleasant for her, but certainly helpful.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Her primary attack is a blast of sonic energy.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Not Sonic Boom herself, but her baby hatchlings—they vanish in a puff of baby feathers the moment they take any damage, and the player must toss them again.
  • Our Gryphons Are Different: Sonic Boom resembles an opinicus, with her eagle's head and wings, but lion's tail, and four clawed legs.
  • Spread Shot: Her sonic breath already has a wide area of effect, but the "Medea Griffin" path of upgrades enables Sonic Boom to toss all of her eggs simultaneously, in a spread pattern.


"All fired up!"

A legendary purple dragon from a faraway land, Spyro is famous for his many adventures - perhaps you've heard of some of them. Having been invited to join the Skylanders, Spyro now protects the Skylands just as fiercely as he has fought evil elsewhere.

  • Breath Weapon: Standard-issue dragon fire, but it's at least upgradable.
  • Composite Character: His bio gives him the personality of classic Spyro but also calls him a legendary Purple Dragon like the Legend of Spyro character. Cynder's backstory even implies he's fought this world's Malefor and has a history with Cynder.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: "Dark Spyro" has been noted as using evil energy without being corrupted by it.
  • Death From Above: Spyro's strongest move is his headbash, purchaseable after finding his Soul Gem.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
  • Playing with Fire: Even his dash attack has hints of flame to it, although it's not actually a fire attack.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Mentioned in a nod to his Legend counterpart, but hasn't been demonstrated.
  • Ryu and Ken: The three versions of Spyro. Regular Spyro (coming with the console releases) is Ryu, Dark Spyro (coming with the 3DS version) is Ken, and Legendary Spyro (Toys R Us exclusive) is Akuma.[1]
  • Spreadshot: Spyro's firebreath can be upgraded to a spread of three fireballs.
  • Use Your Head: His dash attack, as well as his dive-bombing headbash attack.
  • You Don't Look Like You

Stealth Elf

"Beware. I'm deadly!"

Awaking in the forest with no memory of who she was, she was adopted by a ninja-like creature and raised in the art of stealth. She now searches to find where she came from.

Stump Smash

Originally a magical tree, Stump Smash awoke from a long nap to find that trolls had cut down the entire forest - including himself. He's still upset over the incident, and has vowed to protect Skylands from such incidents happening again.


Sunburn is the Skylands' only known dragon/phoenix hybrid, granting him rare magical powers like the ability to teleport. While he is very proud of what he is, this also makes Sunburn a target for those who want to capture and study him for their own ends. Being a Skylander provides him not only with the chance to use his powers for good, but more importantly with protection from anyone who would hunt him.


A land shark from the dirt seas, Terrafin was the local lifeguard until the heat from a massive explosion fused the sand into glass. He turned to boxing, becoming a champion until he by chance met a Portal Master and decided to fight as a Skylander.

Trigger Happy

"Aye, ayayay!"

Nobody knows where this gremlin came from but... he likes guns. And shooting stuff. And shooting more stuff. And ... well, you get the idea.

  • Bling Bling Bang: Trigger Happy uses "gold guns" that fire gold coins.
    • His other attack is throwing an exploding gold safe. That can be upgraded to a more damaging exploding gold pot of gold coins, and that can be upgraded to an even more damaging single (but ginormous) exploding gold coin. And that single coin is yet even more damaging if it comes up heads.
  • The Gunslinger: Not only does he use guns, his backstory is pretty much what you'd expect from a western gunslinger.
  • Guns Akimbo
  • More Dakka: Dude's called "Trigger Happy"; what do you think?
  • Overly Long Tongue: One trailer even shows it to be prehensile.
  • Trigger Happy
  • Wave Motion Gun: His strongest Charged Attack, the "Golden Yamato Blast", packs so much punch that not only can it clear an entire screen of Mooks with one shot, but the recoil from firing it forces him backwards quite a distance too.


During his rite of passage in the Cave of Trials, Voodood discovered a dragon skeleton with the legendary Axe Reaver where its heart would be. Taking the dragon's skull and the axe as his own, Voodood became a decorated warrior and protector of his people, joining the Skylanders after becoming the last of his tribe.


A turtle hatched in a rare Enchanted Twister, Warnado eventually adapted to it and learned how to use the wind. Now he only gets dizzy when standing still.


King of a peaceful underwater civilization, Wham-Shell repelled an invasion of trolls drilling for oil, though the invasion did scatter his people far and wide. He's since joined the Skylanders to defend against these sorts of atrocities.


Whirlwind is half-dragon, half-unicorn; unfortunately both races' jealousy makes her an outsider (the dragons covet her beauty, the unicorns envy her ability to fly). Nonetheless, when trolls hunted both species, she jumped to their defense. The result... well, let's just say that evil beings are now terrified of rainbows.

Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball started out as a grub worm, to be used as an ingredient in a wizard's magic potion. Surprisingly, he swallowed the entire potion, swelling to enormous size. Then he swallowed the wizard.


Zap was born a prince of water dragons, but was swept away by a riptide and adopted by electric eels. There, he not only built a harness to store and discharge electricity, but he also became an excellent speed swimmer, with only the dolphins able to be a match for him.


Zook is one of a race known as Bambazookers, who spent their entire lives standing in one place - until Zook realized that he could move away from his spot. He became a famous hero, and hopes that he'll gain even more fame as a member of the Skylanders.

Other Skyland Dwellers




I don't know, the whole thing seems kind of egotistical, to me. I mean, you don't see me walking around bragging about all the great things I've done.


  • Action Girl: Not that she's ever shown beating up evil, but she's a self-proclaimed tough girl.


  • Strange Syntax Speaker: Persephone, the fairy who you buy new abilities for your characters from has a very... weird way of saying things.




Kaos: My head is awesome, I tell you! Fear it! Fear my GIANT FLOATING HEAD!


The Big Bad of the 3DS version.


  • Evil Overlord: Rules the underworld.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: As if Malefor wasn't already one, he gets the title "The Undead Dragon King".
  • The Undead: Is the king of the underworld.
  • Villain Of Another Story: Appears in a major role in the background stories of several Skylanders, is described as the king of the underworld, and has a history with Spyro and Cynder, but never actually appears in the story itself.
  1. ironically, Dark Spyro, like Akuma, is another Ken
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