< Skies of Arcadia

Skies of Arcadia/Headscratchers

  • The damn Imposters. I've gone through every guide and site, and I can not for the life of me make those bastards appear. Every game has ended with Vyse the Fallen Pirate, and it irritates me to no end! What does it take to make them appear!?
    • They're in Nasrad, toward the back, where you would go if the palace was still there.
    • Look at their entry on the wanted list in the Sailor's Guild, then go to Nasrad. Vize should be standing near the paint splattered building. If he isn't, then progress farther in the game so your (now invisible) Swashbuckler Rating goes up a bit more. If you haven't looked at their wanted list entry, most of the bounties won't show up. (Baltor, Gordo, and Lord Bane still do.) I've had that problem before...
  • The Dark Rift and Ixa'taka-Yafutoma stone reef don't extend into Upper Sky. The Yafutoman ships can travel into Upper Sky. The Yafutomans seem to be interested in western culture, so why don't they try to travel outside Yafutoma until Vyse shows up?
    • Supposedly, they believe the world ends after the stone reef, like most people until Vyse sails around the world.
    • Oh but they did. Where do you think the Mystery Merchant is from? You meet him fairly early in the game on Sailor's Island.
  • So, hey, Piastol. How exactly would a ten-year-old pirate kid have killed your dad? Shouldn't your vendetta be against Dyne if anything?
    • She only saw Vyse and Aika amidst all the fire, and starting a fire is something even a ten-year-old can do.
      • Except she knew Mendosa had died of sword wounds, not the fires. True, Dyne does use a pistol, and the main trio are pretty young for the main chunk of the story, but a ten-year-old coming out the victor in a fight against Valua's Grand Admiral is... pushing the bounds of logic a bit. At best little Vyse could have finished him off or something.
      • Logic has no place in Revenge!!!!. Getting more serious, considering everything that had happened (Dad dying, the fire, and being boarded by Pirates) she likely wasn't thinking straight. More to the point, didn't she say she reacted more out of instinct when she saw Aika. Plus she was only ten herself. Too young to fully consider everything, and later too angry.
  • The fact north and south poles are linked bugs me. That world isn't round, it must be a weird curved 3D cross.
    • Toroid, technically. Shaped like a donut, which means everything they said was correct. They said the world was round in the game, and a donut is round, but they never said it was spherical.
      • Actually, they did. Enrique says it when you get the Discovery.

"The world is a sphere. That means that the east is connected to the west, and the north is connected to the south."

  • The battles are fought on an invisible grid, where the placement of your characters and the enemies effect the effectiveness of using and dodging some abilities. However, there is no solid way to tell your characters where to move.
  • How do you pronounce some of these names? Galcian? Nasr? Piastol? Probably several others I can't think of...
    • Let me try to help, here. This probably is not the correct pronunciations either, but they're something to go on:
      • "Galcian" : gall-see-yawn. "Gallse'yawn." Probably pronounced with some French flare, no emphasis on either syllable.
      • "Nasr" : nah-seer. "Nahseer." I like to have a slight roll on the 'r'. Emphasis on the "Nah."
      • "Piastol" : pya-stole. "Pyastole." Sounds almost like a mispronunciation of "pistol." Emphasis on the "Pya."
      • Actually, all of the Valuan names have Spanish roots and/or pronunciation. It is still Gahl-see-awn, though. Piastol is most likely Valuan rooted as well, her father being Mendosa, and pronounced Pee-ahs-tohl, so your pronunciation is still right. My point is that knowing the Spanish pronunciation helps though.
        • Piastol is a corruption of "piaster", a type of currency, (several other characters are also named after currencies, including Drachma and Gilder). Galcian may be a corruption of "Garcia", going by the Japanese version. Nasr is an Arabic word which means "Victory".
  • Just the fact that this game doesn't get nearly the recognition it deserves counts as an IJBM.
  • Was no one else bothered by the fact that out of all the improvements that Legends made, no one thought to make the cutscene dialogue fully voiced?!
    • They probably did, but I doubt it was feasible. The audio had to be compressed as it was.
    • Word on the street is, Service Games is bringing back some of their old IPs. If they bring back Skies of Arcadia, voice-acting is probably gonna be one of the first things they'll bring in.
      • If they do, I hope they use the English VAs for Vyse and Aika from Valkyria Chronicles. They fit the characters perfectly, IMO. Fina's voice... not so much.
  • Who exactly do the Blue Rogues steal from after the ending? The Valuan Armada works for Enrique now, and some of the good guy characters actually become Valuan admirals according to the end sequence. Considering that they may have been nice enough to return the Delphinus, it seems strange that they would keep attacking Valua after that. Is there really enough to steal from the Black Pirates (without returning it to whomever it was originally stolen from) or collect in Sailor's Guild bounties to keep them in business?
  • Vyse didn't prove the world is round -- Belleza and Vigoro did. All Vyse did was log more miles.
    • Maybe the Valuans tried to keep it under wraps as a strategic thing, so Vyse got the credit for selling the information to the Sailors' Guild.
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