< Sita Sings the Blues
Sita Sings the Blues/YMMV
- Alternative Character Interpretation: The shadow puppets are voiced by people from various regions of India who each grew up hearing different versions of the story. They point out their different interpretations of the characters and their actions.
- Crowning Moment of Funny:
Rama: Um...h-hey! Sita! How would you like to take, uh, a little trip?
Sita: But we just got here!
Rama: That's good! Get packing.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Quite a bit. Even if you don't like jazz, there is quite a few original/other songs that work really well in the film and just sound awesome.
- Most notably the song fans have dubbed Sita's Fire for lack of an official name.
- Duty first, Sita last, Rama's reign is unsurpassed!
- Most, if not all the Annette Hanshaw songs.
- The literally heart-thumping intro.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Storming the Castle to save a Damsel in Distress while punching Mooks into Ludicrous Gibs may seem, well, ludicrous in context... then The Expendables did it in live action.
- It may be hard for some folks to take a blue-skinned arrow-shooting hero seriously.
- Retroactive Recognition: You may recognise one of the Annette Hanshaw songs, as performed by... Batman.
- Tear Jerker: the second last "Nina" chapter ends with the most painful cry of anguish you will ever hear.
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